Jack and Crow's Partners

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It'd been a while since they'd first shown themselves, but Jack and Crow's duel spirits had finally decided to appear once again for a visit the following afternoon. Judai shared a glance with Yusei, looking between the duel spirits and the two men arguing in the kitchen in question.

Yusei just shrugged, watching the duel spirits play around the house with their own once again, saying, "Might as well, it's not like they don't know you can."

Judai nodded in agreement, giving him a quick kiss to the cheek before holding a hand up to his mouth and calling out, "Jack, Crow, come here! There's something I wanna show you!"

The arguing ceased immediately as they walked out of the kitchen, looking at him curiously; Judai held back a laugh at just how quickly they'd been able to put aside their differences, a sentiment that Yusei seemed to share as he noticed him hide a grin with his mug of tea.

"What's up?" Crow asked, pulling up a chair alongside Jack when Judai motioned for them to sit down.

At this point all the duel spirits in the room had noticed what was going on and were gathered around their respective partners, though they still chattered across the gap between them. If Judai hadn't already been so used to talking with Yusei over the sound of them, trying to hold this conversation would've been much more difficult to pull off without confusing himself.

"Well, do you guys want to meet your duel spirit partners?" Judai asked with a grin, gesturing around them with a hand, "They just showed up for the first time in a while - the only other time we've seen them around was that time we had that huge snowball fight that spiraled out of control."

"They're here right now?" Jack asked, eyes narrowing as they roamed over the room before landing back on Judai, "...I'll admit I'm curious to meet them."

"Heck yeah I want to meet my partner!" Crow answered excitedly, eyes widening slightly at the prospect as he shook Jack by the shoulder with one hand. Jack was quick to give him a small glare and do his best to try and brush him off, but to Judai's amusement, Crow's grip was too strong for him to be able to.

"Alright, here we go then," Judai said, concentrating on the two duel spirits in question and materializing them once he'd made connections with both of them. Once again he found himself grateful that he could simply materialize spirits so long as they were out and about - this way he didn't have to ask for their cards and ruin the surprise of who their partners were.

"Dark Resonator," Jack mused, a genuine smile gracing his face for once as he looked as his partner, who'd floated upwards to be at eye-level with him, "Makes sense that you would be my duel spirit partner."

Dark Resonator waved around happily, making a few clanging noises much like how Lua's partner talked; Jack would be able to understand them at least, though the rest of them wouldn't. A lot of people seemed to have partners like that, actually, though it made sense considering a lot of their partners were under level four and those types of monsters tended to not have mouths or ways to speak normally.

"Gale's my partner? Yes!" Crow cheered, laughing when Gale tackled him into a hug with a happy chirp, "How're you doin', buddy? Nice to finally get to talk to ya!"

While those two started to get to know their partners, Judai turned to Yusei and asked, "Should I get everyone else, too? Or will it get too loud in here?"

"We'll be fine, everyone knows to keep it down when they're materialized since others will actually be able to hear them," Yusei replied, raising an eyebrow at Junk Synchron and Winged Kuriboh respectively, "Right guys?"

They nodded vigorously in response, causing Judai and Yusei to laugh slightly in response. Judai was quick to materialize them as well, though they immediately ran off to play once again instead of sticking around - they got enough time to hang out with them as is, so they'd rather spend the time interacting with the physical world while they could.

"Was that Junk Synchron?" Crow asked curiously. Judai couldn't help but wonder how in the world Crow had been able to see them through the feathery fluff-ball that was Gale the Whirlwind hugging him and blocking his vision with their huge wings.

"Yeah, he's my main partner, though Quillbolt and Sonic Chick like to hang around a lot too," Yusei replied with a smile, sipping at his tea as he relaxed and watched Synchron running around with Winged Kuriboh, "Apparently I have a lot of duel spirits because I have a lot of monsters with low levels. I'm pretty sure you'll have quite a few as well since your deck is the same with your Blackwings."

And thus, the apartment got a lot more lively for the rest of the afternoon, especially once Judai reassured everyone that he'd be able to keep everyone's partners materialized without much issue.

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