Valentine's Day

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"So this is what you ran out to get last night after dinner..." Yusei said, blinking at the kitchen once Judai let him look in. Judai hummed, grinning across the table from him.

"Yup! I figured it was something we could do to celebrate the day, since I don't think either of us are too keen on going out and doing anything," Judai replied, patting the top of a bag of sugar. There were cocoa powder packs, more bags of sugar, extracts... not too much of each, obviously, since they weren't going to make too much, but enough to make a variety of different types of chocolate.

"I like it - great thinking, Judai," Yusei smiled, touched that he'd been able to think of something simple they could do at home. Well, as simple as making chocolate is, though he wouldn't really know; he'd never baked or cooked so much in his life before Judai came. Judai gave him a bright smile in return, cheering for a moment at his success before dragging him over from the entryway.

"Alright, it's been a while since I made chocolate, but I pretty much remember the basics. Oh! What kind of chocolate do you prefer?" Judai asked.

Yusei had to stop and think about that for a moment, thinking back to the last few times he'd had chocolate. It honestly wasn't often that he ate the sweet, so he couldn't answer off the top of his head.

"Probably dark chocolate?" he answered questioningly.


"I don't have chocolate much."

Judai was giving him an exasperated look now, reaching up slightly on his toes so he could pat him on the head, "You poor soul. That just means we'll have to make a lot so you can figure out what your favorite is."

Before he could move away, Yusei leaned down and pulled him into a short kiss, laughing slightly afterwards, "You just want to know what it is so you can get more later, don't you?"

"Maybe," Judai admitted, giving him a cheeky grin, "Come on, let's get started - I wanna eat it already and we haven't even opened the packages yet."

They fell into what was now a familiar routine of Judai showing Yusei what to do before they worked in tandem to complete the steps with relative efficiency; Yusei liked it whenever they cooked as it was relaxing but also let them talk while having something to do. That, and they were always rewarded for their efforts at the end with food, so that was a plus.

Really now, Judai was absolutely spoiling him with his cooking skills. A little over a month later, he has no idea how he ever survived on just instant ramen and cheap coffee for so long.

"So how do you want to this?" Judai asked, holding up the different extracts.

"Put them in different moulds, we can just label them so we don't forget," Yusei replied, looking down at the numerous moulds Judai had bought. He found it rather amusing that he'd grabbed only a single heart-shape filled mould out of the five that he'd bought, the others being random other shapes like stars.

"Sounds good to me," Judai said, getting to work on mixing in the first flavor, mint. Eventually every mould was filled and they were left with about half a bowl of chocolate left.

"We could just pour it into a pan," Yusei suggested, thinking of the numerous rectangular pans Judai had bought when he 'fixed' their kitchen. Glancing over at Judai, he spotted the man sporting a look that instantly made him wary of what he was planning.

"Or," Judai hummed, scooping up chocolate straight from the bowl with his finger and turning to look at Yusei with a wicked glint in his eye, "I can cash in on that bet now."

"Now?" Yusei asked, warily looking between Judai's hand and face. Before he knew it, however, he was seated on top of the table with the bowl of chocolate placed next to him, Judai leaning in between his legs so he could lean close to his face. He felt his face warm in response - this time the subtle reminder that Judai was much stronger than he looked made his heart do flips in his chest.

"You have to do whatever I say 'til the bowl of chocolate's gone," Judai murmured lowly, eyes practically smoldering in their intensity, "Got it? And remember this - you're lucky you're cute and asked for mercy earlier, or I'd have made this a lot more embarrassing for you."

Yusei didn't get to answer past a quick nod of his head before Judai was kissing him, tongue swiping eagerly across his lips and asking for entrance. He quickly granted it, startling slightly at the chocolate taste that quickly reached his tongue, but enjoying it nonetheless; his arms were soon wrapped around Judai's waist, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

And then he felt fingers brush chocolate across his cheek as Judai pulled back, causing him to pout indignantly while the other just chuckled darkly and leaned in to lick it off his cheek.

"Your face is so red," Judai said gleefully, and Yusei could feel his face flush even more as a result, "So you like the chocolate, I'm assuming?"

"...Shut up and kiss me again."

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