More Friends On The Way

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"Yusei, your phone's ringing," Judai said, shaking him slightly so he'd look up from where we was working on his laptop. He gave him a smile in thanks, pecking him on the cheek before looking down to see who was calling him and subsequently picking up.

Evidently, whoever it was that was calling, Yusei knew them - the first thing that Judai heard was a very loud yell of 'YUSEI!' through the phone. He snorted at that, giving Yusei a grin before going back to his notebook of scribbles. It was something he found helped a lot when he was trying to get his thoughts in order, and in this case let him go back through things he'd already thought up in regards to the psychic duelist issue they'd discussed earlier.

It was really weird that there were apparently so little people that could see spirits, especially in comparison to the amount of people that could materialize duel monsters in this world. The ratio was completely backwards at this moment in time and it was mildly alarming. Looking at his list, he read over the little notes and bullet points while crossing off things that didn't make sense... which was most of them.

His research into the matter was limited to whatever he could scrounge up from the internet so far, which wasn't much, so in order to go further he'd either need to find someone to talk to about it or take a trip into the spirit world and figure if one of the spirit dimensions had anything strange happening. Honestly, though, that was one of the last things he wanted to do and he'd save it as a last resort - those trips were always long, tiring, and just an overall pain unless you wanted to stay there for a long time in the first place.

In the meantime though, he'd just have to stay on the lookout for any weird magical signatures in the city. So long as it wasn't anything too serious, it'd be fine, but he'd know the second something like the Light of Destruction or Darkness appeared if he kept his powers spread out at least.

A poke to his cheek brought him out of his thoughts.

"Mind if some people come over? They're the kids that are also part of our signer group," Yusei asked, giving him a questioning look.

"Sure, I don't mind at all," Judai replied, giving him a small smile, "I do still need to meet everyone, like you said before."

With that Yusei turned back to the phone, chuckling at the enthusiastic shout that echoed out from the phone. Judai was able to vaguely make out a 'See you soon!' and some squabbling before the phone went dead.

"Lua's enthusiastic," Yusei explained, "His sister, Luka, is much calmer than him, but they're really close and have a strong bond." He seemed to stop in thought for a second before his eyes lit up in remembrance, "Oh yeah, she's also the one I was telling you about before that could see spirits."

Judai blinked at that, letting out a hum before leaning back in his chair and giving his notebook another glance in thought.

"What've you been working so hard on over here, anyway?" Yusei asked curiously. Judai saw his gaze on the book and gestured that it was alright for him to look at the pages filled with messy scribbles.

"I've been trying to figure out the psychic duelist thing we talked about a few days ago," Judai said, "It's all mostly just dumb ideas since I need more information if I want to get to the bottom of this, and for all I know its just how the world decided to progress. However, it's definitely worth looking into just in case the cause is something more serious."

"You could always ask Luka a couple questions, and her spirits for that matter - they meet quite often in the spirit realm from what I hear."

Judai choked at that, looking at him in shock.

"She can travel to the spirit realm?!"

"...I probably should've mentioned that, huh?"

"No duh, that's important information! If she can travel to the spirit realm and come back intact that means she has even more reason to be able to materialize spirits, this just makes everything even weirder!" Judai exclaimed, pulling Yusei close in a headlock and giving him a playful noogie, "Dummy, do I need to oil those gears in your head? Do you need more sleep?!"

"Hey- give me a break, it just didn't occur to me at the time!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure it didn't," Judai teased, letting him go from the headlock. Yusei sighed, giving him a cute glare while trying to fix his hair back so it wasn't a mess.

And then he found himself being pulled into the taller man's lap and he felt himself flush red at the little squeak he made in surprise.

"We need to get this out of our system in the next thirty minutes before they get here," Yusei stated, breathing into his ear softly, "So why don't we go get comfortable for that?"

Oh, was this how Yusei felt on Valentine's Day? Because the way his heart was pounding from this was totally unfair.

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