View of the Bridge

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"Hey, Judai," Yusei said, getting the others attention once again while they were eating breakfast.

Judai looked up with a questioning noise, a forkful of pancakes hanging out of his mouth.

Yusei smiled a bit at the sight before asking, "Mind if we leave a bit early today before we meet up with Johan at the facility? I wanted to show you something that I didn't before."

Quickly swallowing down his food, Judai gave him a nod and said, "Sure, I don't mind. Is an hour early enough for it?"

"Plenty," Yusei replied, going back to his food as he cut into the fluffy circle. Judai made really good pancakes, to say the least, as they weren't dry in the slightest but were also fluffy and not completely drowned in syrup.

Once they'd finished they went about getting ready to go, Yusei tossing Judai's jacket at him like usual in case the other forgot somehow and Judai pulling him down for a quick kiss before they could move out the door. They grinned at each other when they pulled apart, Judai leaning up further to peck Yusei on the nose teasingly.

"Alright, let's go see this place you wanted to show me," Judai smiled, tugging on his hand and leading him with a slight cheer out the door.

Yusei chuckled at his antics, pulling him to a stop so he could re-lock the door before he almost immediately was dragged along again to where his runner was parked. A minute later he was revving up the engines and bursting out of the parking lot, Judai holding on tightly behind him.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of this," Judai admitted, holding on tighter and burying his head into Yusei's shoulder the best he could despite the helmets they were both wearing.

"It's freeing, isn't it?" Yusei agreed, feeling Judai nod his head behind him. Lucky for him, Judai must've been in a generous mood because he didn't have to deal with the usual pokes he liked to give him.

It didn't take very long for him to reach the place they were headed to, mainly because... well, it was on the route to the facility anyway. The Daedalus Bridge was one of Yusei's favorite places, mainly because of its importance in finally connecting the Satellite to Neo Domino, but also because it held a spectacular view of the ocean. Even better than that, though, was the little hidden outcrop along the shoreline that gave a view of both the ocean and the bridge itself, and had a small bench hidden in the shade.

Yusei pulled up slowly near the bench, stopping a few feet away and kicking the stop open so they could hop off, "Here we are."

"So this is the place, huh?" Judai stated, pulling off his helmet alongside him and putting it down on the seat before wandering over to the fence next to the sidewalk, "Whoa, that's a sweet view!"

"I come out here to think and relax sometimes," Yusei said, smiling softly at the sight and quietly snapping a quick picture of Judai while he was distracted. The way the sunlight was bouncing off of him and highlighting his bright smile as he looked out at the view...

Beautiful, Yusei thought, putting his phone away just as quickly as he'd pulled it out.

"There's a bench if you want to sit for a bit," Yusei mentioned a minute or two later, motioning to it with his head when Judai looked over a him.

Judai hummed, coming over quickly and sitting down with him before leaning on his shoulder and looking back out at the view. Soon enough, their fingers were threaded together between them, a peaceful silence falling over the area save for the light sounds of the ocean waves and the distant hum of the city.

"...I could fall asleep out here," Judai murmured, his smile having turned soft and content during the time they'd been sitting, "We should come back again."

"We will," Yusei replied quietly, squeezing his hand tighter for a moment and turning his head ever-so slightly to press a light kiss to the top of his head.

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