Out of the Bag

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"...Why does it feel like I'm coming back to crazy shit every other day now?" Crow muttered, shutting the apartment door idly with a foot while staring at yet another ridiculous scene in the living room.

"You say that like you didn't already," Yusei replied, raising an eyebrow at him from where he was sitting at his desk. Judai had pulled over another chair so he could sit next to him, and they were both just drinking tea and enjoying the show at this point - they'd done their duty and mounted the cameras up, which Judai was currently hiding, so they were free to show themselves and comment occasionally whenever something interesting happened.

"Not on this level, though," Crow argued, eyeing the currently frustrated-beyond-belief Jack Atlas that was turning in circles in the living room in a silent fury, "What happened this time?"

"Shh, that'll ruin the fun of it when it's finally revealed," Judai winked, holding a finger up to his lips with a smile. Unfortunately, he happened to do this the moment that Jack was looking at him, so he was instantly in their faces.

"What. Is. Happening?" Jack fumed, his fingers twitching as he glared at all three of them, "You know, so tell me."

Yusei glanced behind him at Haou, who was floating halfway up in the air with a wicked grin on face, not that Crow or Jack could see him. They probably shouldn't have let this go on so long since Jack seemed to be starting to get genuinely angry (which, believe it or not, was a rarer occurrence than you'd think), so he caught Judai's eye and gave him a look.

Judai seemed to understand what he was implying, glancing quickly between Jack and Haou before sighing and conceding to end the shenanigans.

"We figured out today, thanks to Yusei here, that Haou can move around as a kind-of duel spirit," Judai answered lightly, gesturing around the room with his hands, "And interact with things, even if he can't become physical."

"That motherfucker-" Jack growled, spinning around on his heel and pointing ahead of him, ironically straight at where Haou would be if he weren't halfway up in the air, "He's right fucking behind me, isn't he?! Damn it!"

"I'm surprised he guessed so well," Haou mused, floating down so he could flick at the finger being pointed at him, earning another scowl from Jack.

"I wouldn't be surprised if all the signers, regardless of powers, had some sort of sense for spirits at least," Yubel said next to him, grinning down at Jack's flailing, "That Crimson Dragon is still connected to them, it'd make sense if that connection made them sensitive to duel energy and spirits at least."

That... Yusei hadn't thought of that before. Yet another one for the list of questions to test and hopefully answer, this was proving to be a very educational day.

"Well, good for him at least. I imagine this is him essentially going on a freedom high," Crow said, turning to look at them with a grin.

"That's a good way of putting it! Yeah, he's pretty much as ecstatic as he's possible of being right now," Judai replied, snapping his fingers together at the words. Yusei nodded along, fully agreeing; one look at Haou's smirk was enough to tell anyone that he was having one hell of a time at the moment.

Crow studied them for a few seconds, looking between Yusei and Judai in a way that reminded Yusei a lot of when he'd walked in on Yusei starting to use his alarms. This did not bode well for them, especially when he narrowed his eyes and then bore a smirk not un-similar to the one Haou was sporting right now.

"Also, you guys already have the whole 'Conversation with a single look' thing down, how cute," Crow teased, laughing when Judai started stuttering out an attempt to respond while Yusei simply stared at him with wide-eyes speechlessly.

Had they really done that? Thinking back to a minute ago... stars, they had done that kind-of thing, hadn't they?

It was a little embarrassing since Crow had brought it up in jest, but the thought brought an honest smile to Yusei's face as he watched Judai start to mock fight with Crow in retaliation.

It made him happy that they could read each other that well, and so easily too without realizing it - it brought about a certain comfort and warmth that Yusei latched onto and never wanted to let go.

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