Pancake Breakfast

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"I'm guessing you don't wanna go out today," Judai stated later that morning, setting down a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of Yusei before sitting next to him with a smile.

Yusei shook his head, pecking Judai on the cheek before starting to cut up his food, saying, "Not with the storm. Thanks for the food."

"I put extra chocolate just for you," Judai grinned, digging into his own plate with a happy hum, "Fighred hat hou cohld ush-"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Yusei reprimanded, thoroughly amused by the sheepish look Judai made in return as he took the time to chew and swallow before continuing.

"Sorry. Anyway, I was trying to say that I figured you could use the pick-me-up," he said.

"I appreciate it," Yusei replied softly, not quite used to someone knowing about his wariness of storms and things like that. He hadn't told anyone before as it was easy enough to hide it, plus it was a recent development so Crow and Jack wouldn't know anything about it unless they somehow stumbled upon him, which they hadn't.

Telling Judai had been a bit cathartic, actually. Most people, including most of his friends, didn't even realize that that side of him existed even though he thought it would be kind-of... obvious that he had some issues considering what he'd gone through. Then again, most didn't know about half the things he went through anyway because he was separated from them in some way at the time. Thus, no one ever wondered or asked him because he tried really hard not to let it show.

But this was Judai, and it had felt so damn nice to tell him. And then he'd even gotten upset on his behalf - Yusei could vividly see in his mind the second Judai registered what he'd told him, his eyes flashing onto him protectively as his grip on him tightened and an angry scowl starting to form on his face. And then once he calmed him down, he was smothered in kisses and love for a solid hour and a half. And now Judai'd made him breakfast with extra of his favorites.

Honestly, he'd feel a little bad if it weren't for the fact that he knew being able to do this for him was making Judai ecstatic beyond belief.

"So, what did you feel like doing today?" Judai asked once they'd both finished, stacking the plate on top of each other and swiping them away before Yusei could even try to grab them to help. The exasperated look he sent him was answered with a mischievous grin as Judai went and started washing them.

"Don't know," Yusei hummed, trying to think of something but coming up blank, "All I know is that I don't want to just sit in bed 'cause I've had enough of that the last few days, thanks to a certain someone."

"Hey, you were sick so you were on bed rest, that's not my fault."

"You didn't let me get up to do anything except go to the bathroom, I could practically feel my legs deteriorating."

Judai rolled his eyes with a snort in response, letting silence fall over them again aside from the occasional clacking of dishes and the sound of running water. Thunder was still rolling, but thanks to Judai the windows were blacked out, making it so none of the lightning flashes could get through.

Once Judai finished, he turned around and walked back over, pulling Yusei into a hug and playing lightly with his hair, saying, "Maybe we could play DDO? You won't feel like you're just lying in bed, at least."

"Alright," Yusei agreed. He let out an involuntary twitch when a sudden, loud crack of thunder rang out, which Judai noticed easily due to the hug. Judai's hand found its way to the side of his face, gently tilting his head up for once by the chin so he could kiss him softly, his other hand starting to scratch lightly at the sensitive part of his neck just below where it met his head.

Suddenly, he was pulled up and off the chair, still being kissed as Judai started walking out of the kitchen holding him bridal-style. Considering how Judai then plopped them both on the couch with Yusei still curled up in his arms and hanging off of him, and the lack of letting Yusei go afterwards while coaxing his mouth open to deepen the kiss... it'd be a while before they got upstairs to play.

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