Relaxing Talk

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And... there.

With one final click Yusei let out a sigh of relief before closing his laptop, figuring that he could deal with the rest of it all later - he had everything in order for his work that he needed in a nice little .zip folder, so everything else could wait.

What mattered was that he was finally done for a bit.

He let out a long stretch, fixing his glasses after and looking at the time - it was only early afternoon, so he and Judai could have a nice evening doing... well, whatever they decided to do. They still needed to go over their decks and strategies, but he doubted they'd start on that today.

"Yusei?" Judai questioned, finally taking notice of his movements and looking up from where he was sketching something in a sketchbook, "Taking a break again?"

"Nope," he replied, smiling happily as he came over and sat down next to him on the couch, wrapping his arms around him and explaining, "I finished everything."

Judai blinked for a moment before lighting up in realization, a silly grin taking up his face as he put his pencil and book down so he could hug him back, "You did? Yes! I've got you all to myself again, yay!"

Yusei chuckled at his enthusiasm, kissing his forehead and cheek, "Yes, you do. No more evil laptop stealing all of my time for now."

Judai nodded sagely at this, causing both of them to laugh after.

"Here," Judai said once they'd calmed down, reaching up to cup Yusei's face with both his hands, "Can I see these real quick?"

"My glasses? Sure," Yusei replied, glad that he only warmed up a little bit when Judai gently took his glasses off his face and ended up ghosting his fingers over his face yet again - the light touch was something that always ended up throwing him off guard, no matter how hard he tried.

To his amusement, Judai was quick to turn them around and put them on instead, the frames a bit too big on him to settle correctly; he blinked for a few moments, managing to look around the room and then straight at Yusei without seeming to have too much strain on his eyes.

"Huh, it's not actually that bad," Judai mused, tilting his head while holding onto the glasses with one hand so that they didn't skew with the movement - it was awfully cute and Yusei could see the reason now for Judai's inability to stay away from him the other day, if he'd felt anything like he was right now, "In fact... it hardly does anything for me."

"Well, your vision isn't the one that's bad, plus mine isn't even too off in the first place," Yusei pointed out, half tempted to do what Judai'd done a few days before and just pull him into a long kiss, though he refrained.

He'd have time for that later, he knew. For now he wanted to actually be able to hang out with his boyfriend and just... talk, and do casual activities together to relax. Sure, they talked a lot and he took a lot of breaks normally now, but it just wasn't the same as having the equivalent of a few vacation days available to him.

"If you wanna see how the filter works, just pull out your phone and look at it both with and without the glasses on."

"Oh! That's right - I wanted to see what that was all about. I kind-of zoned a bit on the explanation of how it worked, to be honest."

"That's alright, I can explain it to you if you'd like."

"Could you? I'll probably remember it better if you do, 'cause I've got a visual example right here- speaking of which, whoa, that's different."

"The main difference is the strain on the eyes, first of all. You notice a difference there?"

And so they talked and laughed for the rest of the day about whatever came to mind, whether it be more about how things worked, Judai's growing collection of sketches, or looking up the most random stuff they could think of on the internet. In other words, a perfect, relaxing day for Yusei.

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