Planning Another Date

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Yusei sighed as he watched the file in front of him complete its save - it'd taken him a couple days of debugging this one file that just didn't want to work, but he'd finally gotten it to work to his satisfaction. Now he just had a couple more things to go through and debug, though he already knew they wouldn't take days like this one had, which meant that he'd finish ahead of schedule and have a couple days off before he had to send in his work.

...I should go with Judai on another date, he thought idly, frowning slightly as he thought about it - they'd gone out a few times in the beginning, but keeping up a regular schedule for them hadn't ended up working because they both had irregular, spontaneous jobs. Yusei was thankful they were living together because otherwise it would've been a bit more difficult to spend time with each other; he couldn't imagine dating Judai and not being able to cuddle him at night, either.

How did he ever survive before Judai came into his life? Sometimes it was hard to think about it, and it'd only been a few months. At least he didn't have to worry about him leaving at all - they were far too invested in each other and from what Judai had told him, fated to be together.

Stars, he absolutely loved him.

"Hey, Judai," he said, leaning back in his chair and swiveling around to look at the other, who was sitting on the couch and sinking his time into a thousand piece puzzle he'd bought. It was a picture of a bunch of duel monsters playing around in the snow, which Yusei secretly found hilarious because the rainy season had started picking up. Plus, it reminded him of the huge snowball fight they'd had with Jack and Crow, which had been dubbed the Great Snow War.

Honestly, if it snowed again any time soon, there'd be the Deadly Snow War because their duel monsters would probably beg to be materialized. Judai had joked about it one time, laughing and that he couldn't help but think of Crow barraging them from above with snowballs thanks to his Blackwings, but Yusei knew just as well as he did that it was a very strong possibility.

"What's up?" Judai asked, carefully placing another piece in the half-way finished puzzle and smiling in success before looking up, "You takin' a break?"

"Just a quick one, I want some more tea or something before I start cracking down on the next file I have," Yusei admitted, standing up and gesturing for Judai to scoot over on the couch a bit so he could sit next to him, "But, I was also thinking we could go out on another date in a couple days. If I keep working at the pace I'm going at, I'll be done early and have a couple days free before I have to turn in the program."

Judai's eyes lit up in excitement as he practically beamed at Yusei, "Really?! Sweet, I'm down! Did you have something specific in mind?"

Yusei smiled at his enthusiasm and pulled him into his lap, letting out a happy sigh as he curled around him, "To be honest, I wanted to go back to the place I showed you with the view of the bridge and have a picnic or... something, I don't know. I just wanted something relaxing, and I remember you saying you wanted to go back there as well when we had more time."

"Sounds like a great plan to me," Judai replied, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his cheek before laughing after a few moments, "You really are like a cat, jeez. Next thing I know you're gonna rub our faces together non-stop just like a cat, too."

"What, like this?" Yusei teased, rubbing their cheeks together roughly with a smirk.

"...Yeah, just like that," Judai muttered indignantly, pouting at him cutely when he pulled back after a minute and instead started to pull at his face with his hands; he couldn't do much to stop him either because of the way Yusei was wrapped around him, so he just had to endure it.

"Stop it, Yusei."

"Nah, don't feel like it."

"...Don't you have work to do?"

"It can wait for now, I just finished the hardest part of it so I've earned a long break. Now, just keep being cute for me, okay?"

"You're lucky you're cute - cute and handsome."

"Love you, Judai."

"Love you too, but please... my cheeks are starting to hurt- oh no, don't you dare pull that face on me mister!"

Yusei may not pull them out often, but he was very adept at making puppy eyes - it was a secret he kept hidden for the most part, but for Judai? It was so worth it to use them on him because his reaction was priceless every time, and Yusei would always end up winning in the end.

He hummed happily to himself as Judai relented and couldn't help but start to laugh despite the treatment of his face.

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