Cotton Candy

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"Okay, I think I'm done for now," Judai stated a couple hours later, laughing as they got off one of the rides that dropped you from really high-up, "Plus the lines are starting to get longer and I'd rather not have to wait."

"Fine with me," Yusei replied, grabbing their bag from the sidelines for him and exiting with him. He'd had a smile stuck on his face since the first ride, adrenaline clearly kicking in and doing its thing, which Judai found adorable beyond belief - not even one of the rides, one of which ended up with Judai squishing Yusei against a wall most of the time thanks to how fast it was spinning (he wouldn't be surprised if the poor guy's hip was bruised or something later), made that cheery grin fade away, and they'd gone on nearly all of them.

He was saving the best for last after all - the Ferris Wheel would get to wait for either evening or when they left, whichever came first. Judai was very determined to pull off that cliche kiss at the top, and nothing was going to stop him from getting it.

"You hungry?" Judai asked, holding his hand as they started wandering out of the rides part of the park, "Because I am, and something smells really good."

"A little bit," Yusei answered, "Not overly, though."

"Split something then? I just want a snack for now, too."

Yusei hummed in agreement, prompting a short search for something that'd work for both of them. Judai spotted the candy-specific stall first, and almost immediately upon seeing the decoration knew what he wanted.

"We're not riding anymore rides for a while, right? So cotton candy and slushies aren't going to kill our stomachs," Judai questioned, turning to Yusei with a grin.

Yusei chuckled at his enthusiasm, saying, "I'm fine with that. The only time I've cotton candy was the last time the twins dragged everyone to the movies... and that was just a little bit to try it."

"Well, at least this time you've had it before," Judai sighed dramatically, smiling to himself at successfully making Yusei laugh in return, "Bubblegum or Blue Raspber- wait never mind, they have a mixed one, that works."

Soon enough they'd gotten the bag of cotton candy, opting to just get water for now in case it was too much sugar at once for them to handle; after finding a free bench for themselves, Judai popped it open, slightly giddy when he stuck his hand it and pulled off a fluffy piece of pink - he hadn't had it in a while either, so he was technically right alongside Yusei in that department.

"Sugary goodness," Judai hummed happily, feeling the sugar melt on his tongue. Yusei moving caught his attention for a moment, though, and he found himself watching intently as the other tugged off a glove so they wouldn't get covered in sticky sugar. Something about the movement was captivating, and his face heated up lightly a few seconds later when he realized he'd been staring between his now-free hand and the glove that'd been placed to the side.

A quick glance up revealed that Yusei had clearly noticed, seeing as he was giving him a light smirk and a silent, raised eyebrow, which made him feel infinitely more embarrassed.

To cover it up, he shoved the bag in between them with a slight glare, stating, "Not a word."

Yusei complied, but the smirk became significantly more toothy as a result alongside an amused glint entering his eyes. Judai pouted slightly as he resigned himself to the teasing before an idea hit him, shoving a hand in the bag to tear off another piece when Yusei took too long to do so.

"Say 'Ahh'," Judai snickered, holding it up in front of the others mouth and highly amused by the way Yusei's eyes crossed to look at it, looking a bit embarrassed himself this time.

And yet, he still complied, even throwing in the little sound effect and everything. It was far too cute and Judai half-wished they weren't in public so he could take the teasing a few steps further like he usually did.

"You like it?" Judai asked, finally letting his smirk fall into a much calmer smile.

"It's sweet," Yusei smiled back, both of them laughing at such an obvious answer before continuing, "It's good, I like it. Don't think I could eat too much of at one time, though."

"Well, that's why we're splitting it," Judai shrugged, scooting closer to him and holding the bag in the middle so they both could access it easily, "I don't think I could either, to be honest. Anyway, here - try just letting it melt on your tongue, it's fun."

"Out of curiosity, how is this stuff made?" Yusei blinked, doing as Judai said and putting a nicely-sized chunk of blue fluff this time on his tongue, tilting his head while he waited for it to dissolve, "How does the sugar go from granules to... this stuff?"

Ah, now that was something Judai did know, mainly because he'd actually looked it up after managing to work at one of the parks for a couple days and manning a cotton candy stall. If there was one thing that could get him to read nowadays, it was food and how to make it.

And so he explained it while they ate, though they went off topic rather quickly when Yusei decided to get Judai back for earlier and suddenly poked some fluff onto his lips before he knew what was happening.

Thank the gods he'd had the foresight to bring wet-wipes, something Judai had gotten accustomed to carrying around whenever he was travelling thanks to their extreme convenience and usefulness, or else their mouths would've both been stained blue and sticky from the cotton candy that got accidentally smeared in the process.

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