Late Night Talk

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"So how much work did you manage to get through while I was sick?" Judai asked later, when both he and Yusei were back in bed after a day of hanging out downstairs so Judai didn't complain about feeling suffocated anymore, "I know you had said something about finishing early again, so..."

"I actually got quite a bit done," Yusei admitted, threading their fingers together before they started to cuddle together, "I'll be done a day or two before the tournament."

Judai hummed out confirmation, pecking him on the cheek with a small smile, "Good, we'll need those extra days to hammer out our strategies, which is something we haven't done yet. At least, we haven't done it with our main decks, and for this purpose."

"Yes, wouldn't want you blocking Synchros on me all of a sudden," Yusei teased, causing Judai to pout at him.

"I would not put that card in there for a tag duel, you know this," Judai defended, letting go of his hands so he could stretch Yusei's cheeks instead in retaliation, "It's purely for when I'm the only one dueling, 'cause it doesn't affect me at all."

Yusei grumbled at the abuse of his cheeks, though he was smiling when he finally got Judai to stop and let go; Judai couldn't help but reach up just a bit higher and ruffle his hair, causing Yusei to laugh in response. Soon enough Judai had to pause and dodge a hand coming from the side, attempting to do the same to him but failing at the last second.

"Nice try."

"Stay still," Yusei frowned - Judai saw a spark of mischief enter his eye and immediately started to try and figure out what he was planning, "Also, you said 'was sick' earlier, like you're not still sick right now. You're definitely still sick, mister 'I need a million blankets to survive'."

"Yeah yeah, I know but-" Judai started to respond, but he was cut off by a bundle of sheets being tugged up further over them and into his face - he managed to catch a glimpse of Yusei's grinning face before his eyes got covered, and the way that he looked so damn proud of himself was making him want to mess with him even more, even if only as payback.

"Stop talking so much," Yusei stated, tapping his throat lightly with a finger for emphasis, "Like I said, still sick."

"Alright, fine, though I should be better by the end of tomorrow" Judai conceded, pushing the sheets off his face with a smile, "Before I finish though, can we talk about another thing I was thinkin' about today?"

"What's up?"

"I was thinkin'... maybe we could go to a fair one of these days? It's summertime now, so there's a lot of them going on," Judai said. He'd been trying to brainstorm more date ideas and the such, and the fair was one thing that came up - granted, it would probably involve wearing a small disguise so that they weren't bothered too much, or just making sure to go to a further city so that they weren't so likely to get mobbed by people. Either way, it was an idea he had started warming up to more as he thought about playing carnival games and going on rides with Yusei.

Money wasn't a problem at all, so they were free to play as many games as they wanted.

...Also, Judai may or may not want to kiss him at the top of the Ferris wheel. Call him a hopeless romantic, but he couldn't help but want to do it, purely because he wanted to see Yusei in that position in the first place.

"Mm'kay, sounds like a plan then," Yusei agreed easily, pulling him close so that he could bury his head into his neck, "We can talk about it later though, for now, sleep."

Judai was out within thirty seconds, reveling in the safety and warmth Yusei gave him.

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