Meeting Yubel

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The morning after the tournament, once Jack and Crow had left to do whatever it was they needed to do for the day, Judai sat Yusei down at the couch with a couple fresh mugs of green tea before rolling the desk chair over and sitting straight across from him. Judging from the uncharacteristically serious look on his face and the telling way Judai was biting his lip, Yusei figured it was going to be time for another heart-to-heart conversation.

It... kind-of was? It wasn't really what he was expecting, but considering the topic it was considerably happier than anything else it could have been, so he'd take it.

"Eh? Wait, explain one more time but slower - you said everything so fast that I only caught about half of it."

"Okay, okay," Judai said, taking a deep breath before nervously starting again. His first attempt had been a fast-paced ramble, so he had to consciously slow himself down. "So basically, you know Yubel exists, right?"

"They're the duel monster that... you said had your soul fused with, right? And that you can use their powers. Plus, you did just use Yubel yesterday in the tournament."

"Well, she wants to meet you. Yubel obviously has a spirit form, considering the whole duel spirit thing, but she doesn't really come out that much since she doesn't have to in order to talk to me - our souls are fused so we can just talk in my head. A-Anyways, she made a good point yesterday in that she should probably meet you considering she's been here as long as I have and... yeah."

Yusei blinked at that, sorting through the new information before smiling and nodding his head, "Makes sense. I'd like to meet her too, in that case."

With that, Yubel suddenly appeared next to Judai, floating slightly in the air and stretching before looking back at him.

"Ah yes, I finally get to talk to you in person - It's nice to make your acquaintance, I am Yubel," she said, jerking her head slightly over towards Judai's direction, "In other words, I'm the one with the common sense who makes sure this one here doesn't get himself killed doing whatever inane ideas he happens to think up."

"Y-Yubel! Noooo, dammit, I knew you would do this!" Judai groaned, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

Yusei was highly amused, immediately forming a good opinion of the duel spirit as he replied, "Yusei Fudo, nice to meet you. You've got your work cut out for you, huh?"

"I'm just lucky that our thoughts can be walled off from each other so I don't go insane from everything he does," Yubel said, smirking in approval at him keeping up the joke at Judai's expense.

"Yusei, must you betray me so?!" Judai exclaimed, pulling his feet up onto the chair so he could curl up into a ball of embarrassment instead. It was quite the adorable sight, causing both Yusei and Yubel to chuckle.

Yubel hummed in thought, crossing her arms and turning to face Judai.

"Now, Judai, there's someone else he needs to meet as well, so you should probably explain before you let him out," she said softly but firmly, leaving no room for argument. Clearly this was something they'd argued about beforehand, though what was this about a third person for him to meet?

Yusei looked on confusedly as he saw Judai freeze for a second before sighing and uncurling from his ball, all traces of embarrassment gone; the serious expression was back, as was the nervous biting of his lip. He didn't say anything for a minute or so, causing him to look to Yubel in question.

"...He's talking with him, so give him a minute or so. You're going to need context and they're debating over who will tell you what," she answered, eyes glinting with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher as she looked at the brown-haired duelist. It felt like... fondness? But mixed with solemnness - an odd mixture, yet something he understood the implications of when he thought about it a bit more. That sort of feeling was one he was intimately familiar with, as he felt it whenever he thought back to the events that had earned him his 'Savior' title in the first place.

Clearly, whoever this was had something to do with whatever made Judai so remorseful and depressed, but considering how nervous the other man seemed to even begin to introduce him to Yusei, he was worried that he wouldn't accept the new addition.

As if he wouldn't accept him - Yusei fully trusted Judai's judgment when it came to people, after all, and if Judai trusted him and had to live with him in his mind, then the least Yusei could do was trust whoever it was as well.

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