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It was another quiet day, with Yusei doing his usual work on his laptop while Judai found various ways to entertain himself, whether through crafts, puzzles, or whatever else caught his fancy at the time; there were a lot of new things to try out that had been made in the twenty years he jumped past, and he used their VR headsets for a lot more games than just DDO now that he had money to burn through without worry. They were all mostly single player though, since he had a feeling Yusei wouldn't really be interested in most of them besides possibly the ones with magic or sci-fi elements in them.

Some of the games were good, but DDO really stuck out still due to the immersion and almost complete lack of (at least visible) glitches or bugs. He really liked one of them that was essentially a classic MMORPG grind since it reminded him of some of the games he used to play when he was a kid, and he was slowly climbing the leader-boards thanks to that interest even if he didn't play often enough to really rank high... then again, his experience with fighting was proving to be useful even in games now, because the VR game was fully immersive and he could move his body without any limitations.

The gist of it? Judai was unbeatable in PvP duels, even with low gear, because he almost never got hit enough to take much damage. Especially in one of the games that had air duels.

"Haven't done that in a while," Judai muttered to himself, taking the headset off after playing for an hour or two to pass the time.

"Done what?" Yusei asked from next to him on the couch, causing him to jolt slightly in surprise.

"When did you get there?" Judai stated, pouting when Yusei chuckled at his reaction, "Anyway... I was playing a game where you fight in the air."

"With... with wings?" Yusei questioned, tilting his head curiously.

"With wings," Judai confirmed, giving him a little grin while Yusei put the dots together.

"You've fought in the air before? With wings?" Yusei asked, eyes widening a bit in surprise.

"You bet'cha!" Judai replied, winking at him with a wide grin now, "Only 'cause Yubel has wings, though - I can transform a little thanks to her. Can get some claws, too, but that's about it." He saw the way Yusei's eyes seemed to light up slightly, and he continued saying, "I can take you flying some time, but we'll have to do it at night."

Yusei nodded eagerly in agreement, "So there's less chance of anyone seeing, good idea. It's a date then."

"A date in the sky, huh?" Judai mused cheerfully, leaning in to peck Yusei on the cheek, "Sounds fun."

"Ah... now that I think about it, I've sort-of flown before, but... I couldn't really enjoy it at the time considering the circumstances," Yusei stated, looking up in thought, "It was the last duel I did that prevented the city from being destroyed."

"Wait, you dueled in the sky?" Judai asked, staring at him incredulously. How in the world did that work? Didn't he say once before that all his duels were riding duels?

Yusei seemed to pause at the question, glancing at him and opening his mouth slightly as if to explain before closing it again. He did this a few times before finally saying, "Okay, that does sound ridiculous, I know, but it's true. I... I dueled in the sky on a flying motorcycle."

The image that brought to Judai's head was too hilarious for him to hold back a laugh, and soon enough he was rolling around the couch in hysterics.

"Pfft, a- a flying motorcycle! And- and you dueled on it! And-"

"It was- it was technically not flying because it was riding on energy or- or something like that and I could maneuver it and everything!" Yusei retorted, face turning pink as he tried to defend himself, "And gravity was already messed up because of the second city in the sky and all the debris that was floating around and-"

"So it was floating and flying?! And energy?! D-Did you have a shiny glowy energy aura around you too because of that energy?"

Yusei mumbled something in response, so quietly and unintelligibly that even Judai couldn't make out what he'd said.

"A bit louder please?" Judai asked, trying to reign in his laughter so that Yusei would actually tell him what he'd said.

Yusei narrowed his eyes at him for a few moments, pursing his lips slightly as he tried to decide whether or not to tell him before finally relenting, "I may have... turned completely golden at one point... along with the bike..."

Judai honestly tried not to laugh, biting his tongue and everything, but a few seconds later he'd already broken down into crying laughter again. Yusei shook him back and forth with the cutest embarrassed expression while trying to get him to shut up, which only ended up being the icing on top for the whole conversation, ultimately making him laugh harder.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now