Moving Spaces

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"I think we overslept. I'm still super tired for some reason," Judai mumbled, leaning his head on Yusei's side while slowly nibbling on a curry bun.

"You're the one that overslept, not me. I only slept for a bit over six hours," Yusei replied. He was typing away at his laptop as he'd already finished eating, looking up database info for the VR game. So far he'd found a list of all available cards and cosmetic items and was currently scrolling slowly down the list, making note of any interesting ones.

Judai hummed, taking another bite before pointing to an item on the screen. Yusei stopped scrolling so he could look at it closer, and he realized it was the rings they'd gotten from the hidden quest.

"Unique item, unknown how to acquire... Guess this list isn't fully complete, they seem to have pulled all the item IDs, pictures, and functions, but none of the other stuff unless it's common knowledge," Yusei mused, clicking away to look at the card list real fast to check if Clear Wing and Crystal Wing were listed there. They were, but it was only in name - they didn't even have a picture or description.

"We haven't actually used them yet in a duel, so maybe finally get our decks in order and use them it'll become public info," Judai said, finishing off his food and throwing the wrapper into the trashcan next to the desk. The shorter duelist yawned, leaning more into Yusei as he kept looking at the screen, "Hey, check out the forums real fast, I wonder if we're still a hot topic or not."

"From how everyone reacted at the tournament a few days ago, I'd say it definitely still is," Yusei said, moving over to the official forum site. Sure enough, there was an entire sub-forum filled with threads talking about them, speculating about who exactly Judai was, what the quest they'd completed was, and a slew of other questions revolving around the duo.

Yusei stopped at one post's title, staring it in confusion for a few seconds before glancing over at Judai and clicking on it.

Okay, Someone Correct Me If I'm Wrong, But Are These Two Proof That In-Game Marriage Exists?!


Look at this screenshot of the two, they both have rings on their fingers! When you look at their item equip list they're called Starry Rings, and only have an effect when they're super close to each other. Does this mean they're married or something? Did the quest they complete do that? I just wonder what other stuff that legendary quest gave them, did it give them anything else that they can only use together? This seems a lot like one of those couples quests from other games. They even have matching icons before their names! Please tell me I'm not the only one thinking this!

"Is- Is that what we've looked like this whole time?" Yusei asked, blinking slightly in shock at how many people had responded to this single post and just how many thought it was true, "I never even gave a second thought about them being rings."

"Me neither, but I guess this just means it was meant to be from the start?" Judai said, taking over the mouse and starting to scroll down the rest of the post. Yusei felt him start to laugh at the responses as they went further down the comments section, each one becoming more and more joking about the whole thing. One even nailed it when they said that they bet the two were completely oblivious to the implications, a whole group of people jumping on-board with the idea and making jokes about it, complete with edited versions of the picture in the original post.

"Well, at least we know what to look out for next time we have to talk about our in-game stuff," Yusei said, taking the mouse back from Judai once he was done having his fun and shutting down the laptop for the time being, "Anyways, help me grab your stuff."

"Eh? Why?" Judai asked, blinking up at him in confusion. It was adorable and Yusei couldn't help a smile before leaning down to give him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Obviously you're staying in my room, there's no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch anymore. It'll be our room from now on."

"O-Oh, right, that makes sense," he responded, his face turning a slight pink. Yusei pulled him in this time for an actual kiss, humming when Judai wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him closer.

"Like I said earlier, you're too cute to resist," Yusei mused when they pulled apart, tucking the other's hair behind his ear once again so he could see his flustered face clearer. The pout and glare he got only added to the scene.

"Yeah, and I'm still going to get you back somehow when I'm not so tired, I hope you realize this," Judai huffed, and despite his words, he pulled Yusei into a hug while burying his face into his chest. The taller duelist laughed softly, pulling him up off the chair after a bit and running his fingers through his hair.

"Come on, the sooner we get this done the sooner we can go back to working on our decks. You did say you wanted to do that after we ate," Yusei said, smiling down at Judai when he finally tore himself away so they could move his bags into their room.

Their room; Yusei really liked the sound of that, he mused, as he watched the brown-haired man sleepily climb the stairs before him. Now that was something he could easily get used to.

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