Lazy Morning

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Yusei laughed to himself in slight disbelief when he checked his phone the next morning, shaking his head as he read the email he'd gotten.

"Yusei?" Judai asked sleepily, head still buried into the pillows.

"Got an email, it says I just have to go in to the labs to hand-off an official report in a few days and that after that I'll have a week's break while they're going over all the work everyone's done," Yusei explained, smiling down at the other who'd finally deigned to raise his head to look at him, "Are you sure you're not a good luck charm? It feels like every time you're determined to help me somehow the universe decides to go along with it."

"Well, what can I say? I'm quite charming if I do say so myself," Judai replied, grinning satisfyingly with himself at the pun before tugging at Yusei's arm lightly, "Now come on, back down you go mister workaholic - I told you we'd be sleeping in, so that's what we're going to do."

"I don't think either of us will be able to go back to sleep," Yusei said exasperatedly, though he closed his email and put his phone back on the side table regardless and slid back under the bed sheets. It's not like he wanted to refuse, obviously, and now that he pretty much had a clear schedule for the next week he was going to take all the chances he could get to be with Judai.

"That's not what matters here and you know it," Judai replied, immediately engulfing Yusei in a warm hug and kissing his cheek in the process.

Yusei sighed softly, laughing slightly when Judai proceeded to pepper his face with eskimo kisses, "I know, I get it. I need to rest more."

"Exactly," Judai nodded sagely, taking on a serious expression before breaking it and laughing, "Those gears in your brain need maintenance if you want to keep working efficiently!"

Yusei rolled his eyes at that, which only made Judai laugh more; Judai had taken a shine to the joke that Yusei was a gear-head, always lost in his computer and parts as he tended to be, and it seemed to be one of his favorite things to say whenever Yusei forgot things. Yusei didn't mind it at all though, considering this was Judai and it was clearly a very affectionate term - hell, the other had even straight up told him at one point early on that he thought he was a literal genius considering the stuff he was able to make from scrap parts.

Yusei was much more modest; he didn't think of himself as a genius, and more-so as a victim of circumstances. He wouldn't have even a quarter of the knowledge he had if it weren't for his friends, working together, and the need to learn out of necessity from growing up in the Satellite. A lot of people there knew how to utilize scrap parts, at the very least, for things they were never meant to be used for so that they could survive.

Yusei just happened to have been a determined kid with equally determined friends who all wanted to leave that place so they could help it, and machinery happened to be their answer.

Suddenly Judai's phone buzzed, causing them both to sigh.

"You should probably check that," Yusei mused, "Who knows, maybe it'll be just as good news as what I found on mine."

Judai groaned, though he let go of Yusei anyway and grabbed his phone off the other side table, "Well, guess we'll see, huh?" He spent a minute squinting at the screen to adjust his eyes to the brightness, rubbing at them with a yawn before finally reading the notification, "Oh, it's Johan. Says he'll finally be all settled in to his new place today and to tell him a day to plan on going over to the facility."

"Well, I'd consider that good news," Yusei replied, sitting up next to Judai and leaning on him, "Tell him any time after... two days is when I said I have to do the report, right? Any day after that is good."

Judai hummed in acknowledgement, tapping away at his phone with a response. He finished quickly and very nearly tossed his phone back to the table before turning back to Yusei and pulling him back into a hug.

"Okay, now we go back to sleeping in," Judai said.

To Yusei's amusement, it would take them several minutes longer to finally crawl back under the warm covers because Judai didn't want to let go so that they could.

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