Hidden Quest - Complete

476 17 2


"Alright, it's time to end this! I draw!" Judai yelled, glancing at the card he'd drawn before grinning in victory. They'd been down the whole game, but they'd just managed to even things out slightly last turn, getting the dragons' life points down to 1900 while they were at 1550; now, judging by the wicked look on Judai's face, Yusei was pretty sure they'd just won the duel.

"First, I summon the tuner monster Chaos End Master from my hand, then activate my face-down card Enemy Controller to put your Strong Wind Dragon into defense position," he said. Cards floated around in front of him, moving and glowing as they each activated - it was something Yusei really liked about this game, that no duel disks were used and instead making magic floating cards. It really fit the fantasy world well, and when combined with the long, old-fashioned clothing made it seem like everyone was a sorcerer or something along those lines.

Then again, Yusei just liked seeing Judai dressed up in them as he couldn't help but find it fitting for the man, especially when he was dueling and looked so serious, like a king of some sort.

"Next, I attack Strong Wind Dragon with Chaos End Master!"

Luckily none of their opponent's back row was triggered, so the attack went through. Strong Wind Dragon shattered into pixels with a strong punch from Chaos End Master.

"Chaos End Master's effect activates! When he destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, I can summon one level five or higher monster from my deck that has 1600 or less attack. I choose Solar Wind Jammer!"

The machine monster faded onto the field next to Chaos End Master, its body whirring as it lazily floated around.

"Yusei, this duel is ours all thanks to you," Judai said, catching Yusei's eyes and giving him a blinding smile. Yusei smiled back, eager to see what the other duelist was going to do.

"I activate the face-down card my partner set, Urgent Tuning! During the Battle Phase, I can synchro summon one synchro monster using monsters I control. I tune my level five Solar Wind Jammer to my level three Chaos End Master to synchro summon Light End Dragon in attack mode!"

The huge white dragon roared into existence, staring down the single other dragon that was left on their opponents' field - Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. Yusei'd been able to destroy Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon last turn with a card effect, so that worked very well in their favor as now...

"In the graveyard, Breakthrough Skill's effect activates! I can banish it from the graveyard to negate one monster's effects until the End Phase, and I choose Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! I also banish Skill Successor from the graveyard in order to activate it's effect, giving Light End Dragon 800 attack until the End Phase. Now, I attack with Light End Dragon, activating it's effect - when it attacks, I can permanently decrease it's attack and defense by 500 points in order to decrease the attack and defense points of the monster it's battling by 1500 until the End Phase!"

Light End Dragon - 2900 ATK vs. Clear Wing Synchro Dragon - 1000 ATK

Yusei looked on with a grin, seeing that Judai had really thought this through. The extra attack boost from Skill Successor gave Light End Dragon the little bit of extra damage they needed in order to wipe out the rest of their opponent's life points through this one attack. Light End Dragon shattered Clear Wing Synchro Dragon to bits in a shower of bright white pixels, the sound of their opponent's life points hitting zero ringing beautifully shortly after.

As their cards un-summoned themselves, the long, tense duel finally over, he happily caught Judai when the brown-haired duelist jumped at him.

"We did it, Yusei! We defeated huge dragons! That was so awesome, holy crap!" He yelled, bouncing up and down excitedly in his arms.

"We did, indeed. You were amazing, pulling off the exact damage we needed to win," Yusei chuckled, hugging the other close. He may not be nearly as energetic as the other, but he was certainly just as happy about the victory.

Finally, this quest could come to an end.

With a roar, the two legendary dragons flew off into the sky, taking the storm with them and revealing a clear night sky full of shining stars. The two gaped at the sight, Judai quickly snapping a screenshot before the quest completion window popped up before them.

Their eyes widened at the rewards list.

"Whoa, sweet! We got so much stuff dude, this was so worth it! What does all this even do?!" Judai said, tapping on each thing one by one.

"Well, the title Star-crossed Duelists is apparently a unique title, and can't be earned by anyone else now. The special skill Shine Brightly With You can only be used when we're tag-dueling, and lets us... wow, it lets us search each other's deck for a monster once per person, per duel and special summon it in defense position," Yusei replied, blinking at the skill they'd just earned. That was a skill? It was way too strong! It didn't have any restrictions on the monster, nor did it negate their effects at all!

"Wait, Yusei, it says here we got matching capes, we gotta wear them!"

"We also got... effect rings? If we're both wearing them, then we get a special starry aura effect when we're within five feet of each other. Let's put them both on, I guess-"

Judai suddenly squealed, tugging excitedly on Yusei's arm and pointing wordlessly at the very bottom of the list. He blinked in confusion for a second before his eyes widened in understanding.

They'd gotten the Legendary Synchro Dragons... which were undeniably good, considering their effects. The only reason they'd been able to get around them was because they mostly used spell cards to destroy other cards on the field, and put that copy of Breakthrough Skill in Yusei's deck.

And then, multitudes of pings ran out as the messaging system unmuted itself now that they were done with their duel. Curiously, they looked at them before looking at each other and laughing.

Group Chat


MurderOfCrows: Uhhh so I don't know if you guys know this but


MurderOfCrows: A server-wide announcement just happened that said 'Congratulations to users TheSupremeHERO and StarSavior for passing the Legendary Unique Tag Duelist Quest'


MurderOfCrows: In the forums everyone's freaking out haha-

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