Synchro What?

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If Judai was going to start dueling in tournaments, he needed to be aware of some of the newer staple cards and, most importantly, how synchro summoning works. So, Yusei got to work explaining everything to him; luckily Judai's attention span seemed to be fantastic when it came to duel monsters, unlike everything else other than food.

"So I need to get myself some tuner monsters and synchro monsters?" Judai asked, biting a nail as he looked down at his and Yusei's decks on the table. They were spread out so they could compare the structures easier, though Judai's extra deck took up a considerable amount of space and it wasn't even all of his fusion monsters - he had some in his side deck and more in the only card box he owned.

"Well, it's really up to you. You'd have to figure out which tuners would go well with your deck and make space in your extra deck for any synchros," Yusei mused, "You might be better off just sticking with what you have right now since none of these cards are on the current ban list. Hell, they'd probably throw your opponents off because fusions aren't widely used anymore, especially not in tournaments."

Judai grinned at him, "Can't wait! Also, half these cards are one-of-a-kind by the way, so they'll likely never make the ban list. It's a long story, but the short of it is that I won an Industrial Illusions card contest as a kid and went through some really dark, crappy, magic adventures to stop the world from ending."

Yusei could only sigh and nod because he related to that single sentence on practically a spiritual level. Unique cards due to magic adventures saving the world?

Stardust Dragon, Shooting Stardust Dragon, and Shooting Quasar Dragon's cards stared up at him as a tangible reminder.

The two shared a glance of complete understanding and sympathy.

Yusei brought out his laptop, showing Judai some of the most common staple cards nowadays. When Judai moved his chair over and leaned on him, he leaned back.

It was a comfort neither had been able to have before.

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