Duel Spirit Questions

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"Uh, guys?" Sho asked a minute or two later, pointing at the window, "I can... see Ruby."

"Wait what- oh man, I can see 'er too!" Kenzan replied, gaping at the sight of Ruby jumping down from the window, "Man, didn't know Judai could do that from across the city."

"He couldn't before, as far as I know," Asuka said, kneeling down to pet Ruby for a bit before she could wander off back to Johan, "Then again, there's a lot of things we probably don't know he's capable of doing. He very well could've been capable of this before he disappeared, too."

"Up ya go, Ruby," Johan smiled, holding out an arm for her to climb up so she could rest on his shoulders again, "Well, either way we should probably get a move on-"

"Wait," Jack interrupted, giving them an unreadable stare, "How many of you can see duel spirits? Thought that was supposed to be rare."

"Well, Sho and Asuka can't see them, and Kenzan can sense when they're there, but besides that the rest of us here can see and hear them just fine," Edo explained, sipping at his coffee.

"God I hope the idiot doesn't do that to mine, then he'll really be dead when I get my hands on him," Jun muttered, practically daring his Ojamas to come out and make him more annoyed than he already was.

"Apparently Judai helped Yusei to be able to see them," Jack explained, "Didn't say much besides that he had a problem preventing him from being able to when he should've and helped him fix it. Other than those two and another person, though, I've never met anyone else that could see them."

"Really? Huh, that's odd," Johan replied, looking up thoughtfully, "Based on everything I've observed throughout the years, there's been a significant increase in people that can see them. Maybe I need to run a scan on this city... Wasn't there something about psychic dueli-"

"Alright, let's go before we lose him completely to duel spirit la-la land," Jun said, pushing Johan out the door in front of him, "You can think about it later dumbass, for now we've got an idiot to find and yell at."

"Sorry, sorry - you know I love my work and all," Johan replied sheepishly, almost tripping over the door frame.

"Nice meeting you officially, Atlas. We'll probably be seeing you again soon, so until then," Edo said, waving as they all exited out the door. Suddenly he stopped just before the door closed, poking his head back in for a moment and asking, "You wouldn't happen to know if this place does catering, would you?"

Jack smirked at the question, giving him a short nod, "They do. I think we're going to get along just fine, Phoenix."

"Anyone that can annoy Jun with their mere presence is a friend in my book," he replied with a grin, sending him another wave before retreating again, "Thanks, see ya 'round!"

Once they were gone, Jack turned to look at the ceiling again where Winged Kuriboh waved at him with the paw not holding a camera; a few moments later the fluff-ball was retreating out the window. He snorted and drank the rest of his coffee before ordering another one to-go, pulling out his phone so he could text Crow and figure out what to do for the rest of the day.

There was no way he was going back to that apartment until at least ten o'clock, after all, not with imminent chaos approaching like that. Crow would have to thank him later for being nice enough to warn him about it; maybe they could duel or something, they hadn't done that in a while and Crow had been talking about maybe trying to go pro officially recently, so it'd be good practice.

Nodding to himself, he took his drink and strolled out the door, finally getting a text back from Crow that he was almost done with his last house-run for the day - something about a broken pipe or whatever. Either way, at least he had something to do now for the rest of the day.

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