ID: Get!

906 24 2


"Judai, catch."

Fumbling a bit with what was thrown at him, Judai looked down at the ID card and gasped slightly in surprise, "Holy shit Yusei, it hasn't even been a full day."

"Yup," Yusei replied, a small smile forming on his face as he saw Judai gaping at him, "You're in the system now and a registered citizen of Neo Domino instead of a missing person. Your age has been fixed back down to 22, your birth year changed to represent that, and marked as having graduated from the newer duel academy. You officially live here and... well, you get the gist of it. You can participate in tournaments now, by the way."

There was a lot more info that was changed to make it seem like Judai was here all along, but, well, Yusei's contacts seemed very... eager to help him out when he asked. One had said that he doubted he'd ever get to pay Yusei back for helping him out because he was just 'too damn nice' and another was amused that this was the favor he wanted, considering it's rather illegal nature, and teased him the entire time he was gathering details.

Judai gazed at him in awe, and suddenly he found himself falling as he got tackled into a bear hug.

At least this time there was a couch behind him with no parts in the vicinity.

Judai whispered, his forehead buried in Yusei's shoulder, "Yusei, I- There's no way I can ever repay you-"

"Judai, look at me," Yusei said, returning the hug after getting his bearings back. His breath felt like it was taken away when the shorter boy looked up at him, wide brown eyes filled with guarded hope and broken disbelief, and in that moment he knew.

He could never, ever let this precious being go. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt, but there was something connecting them and Yusei was determined to figure out everything about him.

"You existing, being here, is more than enough," Yusei said, looking at Judai straight in the eyes, "got it?"

"...Gotcha," he whispered, and Yusei couldn't help the trill of satisfaction he felt when Judai didn't let go for a long time after.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now