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"Stop laughing, damn it," Yusei grumbled, sending Judai an annoyed glare.

Of course, to his chagrin, it only made him laugh more as he clutched at the restroom's door for balance. Yusei half hoped that the thing would end up moving suddenly from Judai leaning his weight on it so much so that he'd fall and stop laughing.

At least it wasn't full on laughter - it was more like chuckles that went on without an end instead of lasting for only a second or two. Either way, it didn't change the fact that Judai was getting a kick out of his current misery.

"You've come face to face with yet another one of your deadly enemies," Judai snickered, completely ignoring what he'd said, "contacts."

Yusei's contacts had only taken a day to get sent to him. They came with saline and a case as well, which was fantastic and all but... Yusei couldn't put them on to save his life.

He was trying, he really was, but it was just so damn hard to keep his eye from closing and getting used to keeping it open was a struggle.

"I'd like to see you do any better," Yusei muttered back, moving his glare down to the contacts in front of him instead. Unfortunately he knew that something like this would just take a lot of practice and time to be able to do, so he'd have to struggle through this every day until he finally got the hang of it.

Judai finally quieted down, his smile softening down until it was less amused and more caring; it gave Yusei a bit of relief, feeling himself lose the bit of tension he was building up when Judai gave him a small hug.

"Come on, I'll help you with it until you can do it on your own, don't worry," Judai reassured him, gently taking the case with the contacts and pushing him back into their room, "Go lie down and make sure your head is flat against the bed so you're looking straight up - it'll be easier if you do."

"Okay," Yusei mumbled, thankful for the help and doing what he was told to do - he just wanted to be able to do it without issue, so he'd take anything he could get to make this as least-frustrating as possible.

"One at a time," Judai said, hovering over him with one contact on one hand's finger while the other hand came up to stroke his cheek lightly. Upon getting a nod from Yusei, he forced his eye open, gently and as quickly as possible putting the contact in.

Yusei still couldn't help but wince at the feeling, not used to it in the slightest.

"Blink a bunch, it'll feel better," Judai told him, moving back to the corner of his vision to fish out the other contact. To Yusei's relief the advice helped, and though he still wasn't used to it the contact wasn't making him wince anymore.

Of course, there was still one more to go through, and Judai repeated the process with just as much grace as the first one. Yusei had to keep himself from rubbing at his eyes once both of the contacts were in, and he found himself blinking a lot as he sat up to look around the room.

It was like he was wearing his glasses, just without the very obvious lens in front of his face - no blurriness or other oddities, which meant that at least nothing had gone wrong and they were indeed working as intended.

"Thanks," Yusei said, a small smile forming on his face despite how off he felt at the moment. He got a cheerful grin from Judai in response, barely catching him when the other decided to fall onto the the bed and consequently into him as well.

"Anything for you~" Judai sang, pecking him quickly on the lips before pulling himself up so the hug was more comfortable, "Anyway, wanna go for a ride now? It should be interesting to go out and see how much different it is for you."

"Definitely, just give me a few minutes though," Yusei replied, scooting back to lie on the bed and pulling Judai down to cuddle with him while continuing to blink his eyes every few seconds, "Don't want to have to blink so much while I'm riding."

"Ah, good idea," Judai agreed, eagerly curling up into him. He was just as warm as always and Yusei ended up pulling him on top of himself more because of that.

As his blinking slowed down and he got more used to it, he tried even harder to just focus on Judai, because he didn't want to have to think about how he'd have to take the contacts out again that night.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now