Spirit Mischief

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"Alright, what did you guys find out?" Yusei asked hours later, sitting down in the kitchen and happily digging into the plate of food Judai had set in front of him earlier - he'd been getting really good recently at predicting when Yusei would finish with work for the day so that dinner was ready for him when he did, and he greatly appreciated the thought given to him; it was little things like that that really cemented in his head just how much he loved him.

"I can interact with him like Yubel can and he can channel our powers in that form, but he can't turn physical himself," Judai listed, counting off on his fingers as he leaned on the table, "Other duel spirits can interact with him too, and we tried the switching thing and yes, I can apparently also manifest."

Yusei nodded in response, checking off a few questions in the mental list he'd formed while continuing to eat. He'd still have to check on whether he could interact with them as spirits or if it was something connected to how they shared a soul, or if it was just a duel spirit thing in general. And could they make it so they could be seen by other people, even if they weren't able to turn physical? Their powers opened up a lot of questions, especially since he wasn't sure even Judai knew the full extent of what he could do with them.

Speaking of the Gentle Darkness, how did it interact with duel energy anyway? Not just that, but hadn't Judai mentioned something about how their energy cores were special in some way?

"How many more questions did you just come up with?" Judai teased, poking him in the arm with a grin.

"A few," Yusei admitted, smiling at how Judai chuckled and ruffled his hair in response.

The sound of a door opening caught their attention, and Yusei watched as Haou floated over to the entrance of the kitchen and started smirking at what he found.

"Atlas," Haou stated, narrowing his eyes slightly as he crossed his arms and seemingly started to think through something, "I could... yes, I can mess with him now, very easily."

Yusei shared a look with Judai before starting to finish the rest of his food quickly so that they could abandon the kitchen and hide away upstairs; Judai got to work putting some hot tea into two of the travel mugs so they didn't have to worry about spilling them as they went upstairs.

"...The fuck? Where that come from- ow! What just poked the back of my head?!"

If Haou was having this much fun messing with people as a spirit, Yusei could only imagine what Judai would be like if they were switched. Maybe it was a good thing Haou didn't switch with him too often.

"Damage control or no?" Judai asked quietly, leaning close to his ear from behind him.

"Later. Much later," Yusei replied, putting the last bite of food in his mouth before getting up and leaving it in the sink. He sent Judai a thankful smile and gave him a quick kiss when he was given one of the travel mugs, then proceeded to hold his hand and let him guide him up the stairs and past Jack, who never noticed anything because Judai had covered them with shadows.

Yusei would just have to study later - it was much, much easier to just let Haou have his fun. In the meantime, he and Judai would have some fun of their own secretly taking some video of Jack seemingly going insane from the stuff Haou was pulling on him.

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