Duel Spirits

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'Thank the gods that the process only needed Yusei conscious at the beginning...' Judai couldn't help but think, looking down at Yusei, who'd passed out about twenty seconds ago. He'd almost lasted through the entire process, considering Judai almost had the entire piece of corruption separated from his core, which was actually kind of amazing and showed that Yusei had either a high pain tolerance or extremely strong willpower.

Once it finally separated a few minutes later, Judai practically flung it over to the reactor, where it quickly reattached to it's original core. Almost immediately, the duel energy in the air stopped hounding the two men on the ground and instead started gathering around the reactor core.

When it became apparent that they were safe now, Judai studied Yusei's core. Sure enough, it was slowly filling back up; no more insane leakage other than the normal amount King's exude, no more spinning duel energy, it was fixed.

Suddenly there were a bunch of bright colored blobs in his face and he fell backwards in shock.

"YUSEIIIIII-" a squeaky voice yelled, and was that the sound of metal clanging together? Judai rubbed his head as he sat up, looking at the three duel spirits that had suddenly appeared - they had to be Yusei's.

"Synchron, hold on! He's not even awake, he might not be able to see us!" the pink bird said, flapping their wings around worriedly.

"But we couldn't even materialize before as spirits! It must be a sign!" the brown fluffy mole said excitedly, floating around Yusei, who was slowly starting to stir from all the noise.

"Is that why I've never seen any of you around him before? You couldn't even materialize as spirits before I got rid of the reactor's influence?" Judai asked, bringing the duel spirits' attention to him. At this point Winged Kuriboh had decided to join the party, flying happily around them before settling on Judai's head.

"You fixed it?! We'd noticed the cling-on when we were summoned for duels, but we couldn't tell him about it or do anything on our own," the little robot with a scarf said, his eyes practically sparkling at Judai, "Thank you so much mister!"

"Yeah, thank you!"

"Thank you so much..."

"Aw, it was nothin'- besides, I think he's waking up," Judai replied, grinning at how eager they were to get to talk to Yusei after years of not being able to.

"...Why do I feel like I just got run over by a truck...?" Yusei groaned, slowly squinting his eyes open and sitting up. He took a moment to blink, surprised at the new additions to the room.

"...Junk Synchron? Sonic Chick? Quillbolt Hedgehog?" he asked, eyes wide as all three teared up and jumped at him.

"Yusei can see us! Yusei can see us! Finally!" Synchron cheered, zipping all around Yusei. Sonic Chick was too happy to speak, instead squealing while continuously flapping her wings around. Quillbolt Hedgehog just flat out jumped into his lap and was hugging him the best he could as a duel spirit.

Judai smiled softly at the heart-warming sight, his heart melting when Yusei finally registered what was happening and began to laugh happily.

...And damn, Judai do anything to hear that sound again, because Yusei's laughter was beautiful.

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