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"Jun, I swear if you don't put that away-" Judai started, noticing the camera that had been pulled out in the corner of his eye.

"No fuckin' way, you expect me to not take pictures of this comedy gold?" Jun smirked, looking like the cat that caught the canary and not minding the glare Judai was sending him in the slightest.

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching us?" Judai questioned, turning his head to look at Edo, who was looking very amused at the moment, "Damn it Phoenix, don't tell me you're on his side, too."

"Okay, I won't tell you then," Edo replied, the smile on his face just ever-so-slightly too wicked looking for the innocent tone he used.

"You cheeky bastard," Judai said, and he mentally prepared himself to grab at the camera with his shadows. Right before he could though, Yusei nudged his shoulder with a small smile on his face.

"Come on, let's just get this over with," Yusei sighed, though he continued afterwards so quietly that only Judai could hear him, "Just finesse the camera out of his pocket or something later, we're fine."

"Alright, fine," Judai pouted, giving him a look to show that he'd heard what he said. He turned to the other two and gestured for them explain what they needed to do, "Next lesson then - what is it and why do you want pictures of it?"

"Dancing, specifically basic slow dancing," Edo explained, "You both need to know it considering you're a couple and it's only a matter of time at this point until you have to attend a function together. Basics are fine for it since I have the feeling neither of you are really the dancing type, so you just have to know enough to do it once and then get out of there as fast as possible."

Judai actually perked up at this since one of the skills he'd managed to pick up on thanks to Haou and Yubel's old memories was formal dancing; he knew the steps and had even practiced with Yubel for a bit a few times when they were going through their experiences and he showed interest in it.

Most importantly though, thanks to those memories he also knew how to lead, even when he was technically not the one that was supposed to because he was shorter than his partner. As it was, Yusei was already looking slightly out of his element, and Judai was quick to grab onto his hand to reassure him.

"The taller person usual leads, so-"

"Don't worry about it," Judai interrupted, smiling easily as he waved Edo off and pulled Yusei to the center of the room for more space, "Play the music, I'll teach him."

"You know how to dance?" Yusei asked curiously, letting Judai start to position his body correctly until he was happy with the results.

"No way, I thought for sure you'd have two left feet when it comes to this," Jun said disbelieving, not able to shrug off his surprise like Edo had been able to before setting up the music.

"Nah, I know how to dance," Judai chirped happily, nudging Yusei's feet apart a bit more with his foot, "Shoulder-width, there you go. Alright, hands here and here. I'll lead you, so don't worry about that - just do your best to follow. I'll go really slow in the beginning until you start to pick up the pattern."

"Okay," Yusei replied, still looking out of his element and nervous. Judai tightened his grip on him to get him to focus more on him than anything else, which seemed to help a little bit as Yusei took a quiet deep breath once he did.

The music started up - a nice, slow song that had a good tempo for beginners. Judai grinned as he started to slowly guide Yusei through the steps, making a mental note to make Yusei do this again once they got home - practice made perfect after all, though he also wanted to do this without an audience so he wouldn't feel bad about flustering him more.

"Don't look at your feet, look at my face - it'll be easier to follow that way," Judai stated, stopping himself from saying something else that would've embarrassed both of them. Once Yusei got the hang of it, he sped up a little to a normal pace, and soon enough was even throwing little spins into it; Yusei's look of surprise every time he did so at how he was able to do it nearly flawlessly without any practice beforehand was amusing. Judai wasn't kidding when he said he could lead well.

When the song ended, Edo ended up clapping with an impressed look, which prompted Jun to sigh resignedly, "Guess you really do know how to do it."

"That was really good, looks like there's nothing we can do for you here," Edo added on, though he still looked extremely amused as he continued, "It was kind-of funny though - I wasn't expecting you to spin him, Judai, especially since he's taller than you."

"I could've done it where I was the one spinning, but where's the fun in that?" Judai smirked, laughing slightly at how Yusei's face was warming up in embarrassment, "Aw come on, don't look so embarrassed - you did perfectly fine, and if you want I'll teach ya how to lead later so you don't have to follow all the time."

"Thanks," Yusei muttered, though he only looked a tiny bit more composed by the time they were moving on to the next lesson.

Judai was already plotting out how to teach him, fully ready to exact his revenge through this for the barrage of questions and stories Yusei had thrown at him the other day. Surely Yusei would be expecting something like this to happen soon, so he'd have to make it extra good to make up for it.

...Now that he was even more excited to go home, he wanted to derail this meeting (which, admittedly, was not the super-hellish session he thought it would end up being) so that they could go home faster. It took a little bit of thinking, but then suddenly the idea him when he glanced at his sleeve and happened to see a little strand of fur on it.

"Oh yeah! Hey guys, Pharaoh showed up the other day, the cat's doing just fine and dandy!"

"...Excuse me?!"

Judai made sure to steal the camera out of Jun's pocket and delete all the pictures and video while Yusei distracted them with cat pictures.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now