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"You were right, it's really pretty here," Luka mentioned, walking next to Jasmine in the front. The duel spirit had recognized which part of the forest they were in almost immediately and was leading the way towards where she lived with her sisters, apparently.

"Isn't it?!" Jasmine exclaimed, an extra hop in her step as she grinned widely, "I love this place! It was fun to explore a bit, but I still love this the most."

Lua followed close behind them, far more occupied with chatting with some of his Morphtronics who had appeared the second they put together that he was in the spirit dimension somehow. In fact, they all had duel spirits appear once they'd crossed over, so they had quite the large entourage as they travelled through the forest.

Judai and Yusei stayed at the back of the group to watch over the others, holding hands as they walked and chatting about duel energy and differences in the spirit dimension. Judai ended up doing most of the talking, mainly because Yusei was the one asking all the questions and listening intently as he rambled about weird encounters he'd had in different dimensions.

"-and don't even get me started with Neo Space," Judai laughed, swinging their arms lightly as he fully enjoyed the moment, "It's like the water dimension, except with y'know, space. You can breathe there, hell there's water on some of the planets but you can still breathe underwater as well. I flipped out a little bit the first time I ended up there, to be honest, because I was fully expecting to not be able to do anything of the sort."

"Just how many different dimensions are there?" Yusei asked, looking up in thought, "You covered a pretty large variety there. Are they all different like that?"

"The main ones are, but then they're all split into smaller parts that end up being mostly the same," Judai explained, "And for your previous question, I... I don't know. I've already witnessed a new one being made and an old one dying, so I'd doubt that it's even possible to add them."

"So there's a lot, then," Yusei deduced, pulling Judai over to him and readjusting so his arm went around his shoulders and held him in place as they walked. Judai really liked the warmth of it, hugging back with one arm and laughing slightly when Yusei leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Pretty much, yeah. And there's tons of duel monsters everywhere in every one, it's always a sight to behold," Judai smiled, gripping his hand tightly again as he pulled away from the hug so he could gesture a bit easier, "Some of them have fighting, but for the most part they're either peaceful by default or they end up coming to a reason to try and do better."

"Oh! Here it is, come look guys!" Jasmine interrupted, waving everyone up to the front to join her by her home. There was a huge garden of various plants and herbs in the front and all around it, along with a red-headed girl sitting down in the garden with a book and a cup of tea, "Sis! It's my sis, Bergamot! Hi!"

The red-headed girl looked up immediately at the sound of them approaching, seeing Judai first and sending him a quiet warning glare before catching Jasmine when she tackle-hugged her.

Think she knows my status as Supreme King? Judai wondered, pondering over the reaction to him being an immediate glare. Then again, to give her credit, they did have a really big group so it was probably a little bit of both annoyance and sensing that something about Judai wasn't quite normal.

"Where did you go, Jasmine?!" Bergamot reprimanded, bopping Jasmine on the head lightly before going on to lecture her for a few minutes. Jasmine looked a bit more sheepish by the end of it, though, and probably wouldn't be making the same mistake as last time, "Everyone was worried about you, we saw you for breakfast but after? It was like you'd just disappeared.

"I accidentally went into the human world!" Jasmine explained, twirling her staff around like it was a baton to occupy herself with something, "Nothing bad happened! But these guys helped me get back, they're nice!"

"Thank you for bringing her back," Bergamot said, turning to face them with a smile, "She can be a bit of a troublemaker sometimes, I hope she didn't give you too much trouble."

"Nothing we couldn't fix," Yusei replied before Judai or anyone else could, making everyone there, including Bergamot laugh in amusement.

"You guys are mean," Jasmine pouted, huffing and going into the house - Judai caught a glimpse of a grin before she disappeared, though, so he knew she wasn't actually mad.

"Allow me to give you a few things as thanks," Bergamot stated, gesturing for them to all follow her in the house as well, "We are a shop, after all, and- don't ask how we know, but all our products work just as well in the human world."

Judai answered Yusei's slightly cautious look with a reassuring grin, easily agreeing and leading the way inside for the other three. He knew there was nothing to worry about here, plus he was really interested in seeing what exactly Aromages could make for doing magic using the materials they did.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now