Ferris Wheel

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The time had come, and Judai was absolutely beaming in excitement as they waited in the line. They'd ran back to the shop area for an hour or two and found a nice reusable bag they liked that they could shove all their stuff into so it was easier to haul around, which then resulted in discovering that they had actually missed a section of booths and consequently more wandering around to take in everything.

But now, with the sun half-way set in the horizon, it was time to ride the Ferris Wheel.

"You like Ferris Wheels that much?" Yusei asked amusedly, raising an eyebrow at his behavior, "I'd have thought it would be boring compared to... y'know, being in the air."

Ah, it's cute how mindful he is of being in public, Judai thought, noticing that the other had avoiding saying that he could fly. He himself had mentioned it earlier when he was talking about wallet pictures, but with that particular context he supposed it would be hard to tell he was talking about actually flying with wings or anything like that.

"True, but I have my reasons," Judai replied, his grin feeling like it was permanently stuck on his face. He'd been thinking about this moment for almost a month now and hyped himself up for it, he had to make sure it went just as well as he hoped it would.

The line was decently long, but they'd managed to snag a place in line before the crowd really began to hit so they were ushered into one of the cabins soon enough. The bags got dumped on the seat across from them before they settled in on the other side, the ride starting to move again soon afterwards before stopping again to let more people on and off.

"Pretty view," Yusei commented, looking out at the horizon with a tiny smile on his face. The orange from the sunset settled in like a halo around him, to Judai's delight, since Yusei was the one on the side of where the sun was setting.

"You're prettier," Judai replied easily, drinking in the other's startled glance back at him and the way his now-pink cheeks looked with the sun hitting the edges of them the way it was. He threaded their hands together and leaned on Yusei's shoulder, noting that they'd gone about half-way up so far - it was taking a while because they kept stopping to swap people out.

It actually ended up working in his favor, though, as it meant that when they got to the very top they'd inevitably stop.

"See, this is why I like Ferris Wheels," Judai said quietly, tilting his head up towards him and smiling, "The atmosphere's nice, isn't it?"

Yusei took a few moments to respond, studying him with a still slightly flustered look before he nodded in agreement, "It is."

Almost there, Judai thought, taking a quick glance at the horizon to check, and... stop.

And it stopped.


He pulled himself up quickly, straddling Yusei's lap with thankfully enough space on the seats for him to balance and not fall backwards; before the other could get out a word, he leaned in and kissed him, sweet without being too hard or too soft. Yusei kissed back immediately, wrapping his arms around his waist and eagerly responding when Judai deepened it more.

It didn't last too long considering the circumstances, but when they pulled apart both of them were sporting flushed faces, foreheads still pressed lightly together as they let the moment drag out longer.

"I love you," Judai whispered, hands gripping tighter on the front of Yusei's shirt as he memorized how the other's face looked with the sun highlighting it and the cabin in the background.

"And I love you," Yusei murmured, seemingly doing the same with him.

The moment was broken when the Ferris Wheel started moving again with a slight jerk, Judai only not falling backwards thanks to Yusei's grip on his waist. They shared a look before they started laughing, untangling themselves so Judai could sit back down next to Yusei.

"That-" Judai started, letting out another small laugh as he hugged Yusei's arm impulsively, "That was exactly how I hoped it'd be."

"I knew you were planning something," Yusei admitted, chuckling and kissing the top of his head before teasing, "I should've known by now that you're a hopeless romantic at heart."

Judai let out a content sigh in response, completely unfazed by the comment since it was something he'd accepted only a few days after they'd gotten together, "I am. Isn't this a great way to end the day?"

"It is," Yusei hummed, "though I think the best way we could end the day is with a nice, long shower."

Judai snickered in agreement, "Oh yeah, we've both been sweating to death even with the cooler weather. Together?"

"Of course."

"Such a quick response. Have I finally convinced you of how great it is to shower together all the time?"

"...Perhaps. Just... please don't suddenly turn the water cold again, it was freezing."

Oh dear, now Judai had to do it - it was practically a requirement at this point, after all.

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