Potion Effects

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After washing up and changing into some more relaxed clothing, Judai seemed to finally make up his mind, nodding to himself after staring at the bottle for a few minutes.

"Gonna try it?" Yusei asked, smiling at the little grin Judai gave him in answer.

"Well, I've never been one to pass up an adventure, no matter the form of it," Judai replied, popping it open, "Besides, it lasts twenty-four hours, right? We're not doing anything tomorrow, are we?"

"Nope, tomorrow's the last day before I have to turn in my research," Yusei confirmed, scooting closer to him on the bed and watching him as he downed the potion in one go, "How's it taste?"

"Some sorta berry flavor," Judai said, blinking down at the empty bottle and putting it away on the side table before frowning, "Wonder how long it'll take to do its thing."

In the bottom corner of his vision, a tiny little sparkle caught Yusei's eye, right behind where Judai was seated; right afterwards some sparkles appeared towards the top of Judai's head as well.

"Not very long," Yusei commented, pointing up at his head when he was met with a confused stare, "You're sparkling."

"Sparkling?" Judai questioned, getting up so he could go look at himself in the bathroom mirror. Yusei followed him quickly, noting that the little glints of light were starting to form a more solid shape and that as they did so, Judai had started twitching a little like he could feel what was happening.

They both watched in fascination as they finished forming, leaving behind ears and a bushy tail, the same colors as Judai's hair.

"Oh my gods," Judai breathed, staring wide-eyed at his reflection and reaching up to touch the twitching ears, "Are these fox ears? How did they know about that?"

Yusei couldn't find the words to reply with - he was too busy admiring the sight and being amused by the cute way his tail had started wagging without him realizing it. Somehow the other's hair had become more fluffy than it already usually was, and the whole image made it impossible for him to hold back from petting his ears.

Judai froze the second he touched them, having been too busy looking behind him at his tail to see him reach up and start scratching lightly behind his new fox ears. And to Yusei's utter fascination, he practically fell into his hand, turning to face him and looking up at him with the most pleased look on his face.

"Holy shit," Judai practically purred, grabbing onto his hoodie for balance - Yusei waited for him to say more, but he seemed to be struggling with the words, so he stopped for a moment to lead them back over the bed so they could sit, pulling him into his lap. Once Judai got his bearings back he finally managed to continue, "That's really fucking good, like imagine-"

Yusei started scratching again while he was talking, smirking a little at the way Judai cut himself off with a strangled little noise and dug his head into his shoulder.

"Evil," Judai mumbled, causing him to chuckle a little. His tail wagging quickly caught his attention though now that he could see it clearly, and Yusei suddenly needed to know what sort of reaction that would get from him.

Judai was pouting when he stopped petting his ears, pulling back to look at him and paying no mind to the hand starting to trail down his back, "Why'd you sto-ah-!"

Yusei brushed his tail lightly, smirking widely now as Judai immediately flushed a dark red, giving him a glare he ended up being unable to hold as he went on to repeat the action.

"Sensitive," Yusei muttered lowly into his ear, enjoying the little shiver Judai made when he pet the tail again.

"S-stop it," Judai stuttered out, prompting him to do so and wait for him to gain his composure again.

"Too much?" Yusei asked worriedly, going to pull back but being stopped by the tight grip Judai had on him.

"Not- no, just wasn't prepared for it," Judai replied, looking back up at him with a still very red face, slightly parted lips and ever-so-slightly glazed-over eyes.

How could Yusei possibly resist this? And with those ears twitching and fitting Judai so perfectly as he stared up at him?

It was very satisfying to have his idea of Judai being most like a fox confirmed, while also getting to see a cute side of him that was a little rare to see.

"So I can do it more, right?"

"...A little more."

Yusei pulled him as close as he could, just barely letting their lips ghost each other as he stated, "I'm using my pass, that okay?"

Judai blinked in surprise before flushing once again, swallowing thickly before nodding with wide eyes and a nervous, but genuine smile that Yusei was quick to smother in a kiss; he smirked into it with a dark chuckle when Judai made a muffled noise at the sudden hand on his tail around the base, the other hand reaching up to scratch behind one of his ears.

This probably wasn't the intent at all, but it was certainly fun. That was all that really mattered in the end.

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