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Judai never did get around to talking with Akiza about psychic duelists beyond the initial reveal that he was one as well, but he didn't worry about it too much because it was supposed to be a day for her to relax anyway. She was the last to leave, Jack having wordlessly volunteered to bring the twins back to their house by revving up his runner once it was brought up, and Crow went with her out of courtesy since it was pretty late at night.

Of course, this left him alone with Yusei in the apartment, and once the door closed behind them he was quick to spin around and kiss him hard. In his surprise, Yusei offered no resistance to being pushed backwards towards the couch, arms automatically reaching up to grip his waist.

"What's gotten into you?" Yusei asked, raising an eyebrow at him once they pulled apart.

Judai gave him a playful glare in return, "I want a rematch of that game. I refuse to believe you actually were able to figure out the answer when there was still a quarter of the deck left!"

To his dismay, Yusei simply gave him a mischievous grin, eyes glinting in amusement as he replied, "To be honest, one of them was a very educated guess. Only one of them, though."

"You guessed?!"

"I made an educated guess," he corrected, "There's a very big difference. Besides, if you'd been paying attention, the rest of the clue cards in the deck were all ones that the others held before they lost and shuffled back in."

What? How could he have possibly known that if they were shuffled when they were put back in? Unless he knew exactly what cards everyone had, there was no way he could've known that the only clues left were those.

Was he counting cards somehow?!

He startled as he felt fingers flick his forehead gently, realizing that he'd been staring at Yusei while lost in thought.

"Careful now, don't think too hard," Yusei teased, smile softening as he pulled him down for a quick peck on the lips, "I just got lucky with my draws, they were all ones I hadn't known yet."

"...I want a rematch at the arcade then, that's less luck-based," Judai mumbled, letting his body relax as he flopped his weight down onto the other.

Yusei let out a quiet huff at the sudden weight, chuckling at his antics, "That can be arranged. How about we just have a set day to do it? We can go out to breakfast and then to the arcade."

Judai smiled at this, humming happily in agreement, "It could be our weekly date night, but instead of night it's morning and early afternoon." He felt Yusei laugh underneath him and went to say more, but before he could he was quickly distracted by fingers starting to lightly scratch at his head.

After a minute or so of blissful silence, Yusei broke it, "I never did say this, did I? Thanks for all you've done with the kitchen, and the food, and just... everything."

"It was no trouble at all," Judai replied, feeling his heart warm at the vocalized appreciation; it was different being told it straight up than hearing it second-hand, and he couldn't help the giddiness that accompanied the feeling. He ended up hugging the other tighter, something which was immediately reciprocated.

"I'm... I'm really happy you're here, Judai," Yusei breathed, leaning his head against Judai's, "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered back, managing to reach around and hold one of his hands in his.

They didn't move for a while, enjoying each other's presence until Judai suddenly remembered something, turning to give Yusei a teasing smirk. He reveled in the moment, noting how Yusei's face immediately switched from questioning to something akin to pleading for mercy.

"So," Judai stated, smirk turning more so into a shit-eating grin, "You wouldn't mind having me as a housewife, eh?"

Yusei blanched, giving him a startled look and sputtering to try and defend himself, "I- You heard that? That's not what I meant-"

"Is my cooking really that good? I'm spoiling you, huh?"


"It's a shame, if I'm really spoiling you that much then I guess I'll just have to cut back on cooking..."

Yusei sent him a clearly panicked look, and he cackled in glee at the sheer horror he held at possibly not getting his cooking anymore.

"Aw, don't worry, I won't do that," he soothed, patting him on the head, "But!~ Only if you give me another free pass to make you do whatever I want again."

Judai grinned in success when Yusei begrudgingly agreed, though clear relief showed through his eyes.

"I knew you were planning something," Yusei muttered, giving him a dirty look, "I didn't even know you could hear from that far away."

Judai just hummed happily at his victory, glad that he'd gotten to win at something today.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now