Easter Bunnies

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Yusei looked up at the call of his name, giving Judai a smile as he walked in the room, "Welcome back." He watched as Judai put down the box he was carrying on the bed with a huff, turning to flash him a bright grin.

"Thanks!" Judai replied, clapping his hands together as he walked over to pull Yusei up into a hug, "Also, happy Easter!"

"Ah- I forgot, that's this weekend, huh?" Yusei blinked in surprise, "Happy Easter to you too."

Suddenly Judai tightened his grip on him and dragged him towards the bed, sitting him down next to the box and leaning over him with a foxy grin; instantly Yusei was on high-alert, though he'd already resigned himself at this point to knowing that whatever came next would happen no matter what.

Clearly, Judai had planned something. It's not like Yusei hadn't noticed that he'd locked the door on the way in, after all.

"I'm using that pass now," Judai murmured lowly, using one hand to brush a bit of Yusei's hair out of his face before turning to rummage through the box.

Yusei looked on warily as he pulled out... bunny ears.


"Aw, come on, you're just so cute and it being spring got me thinking!" Judai pouted, waving the black headband back and forth and making the ears flop around in the process, "I even bought one for me just so you didn't feel left out and could see me in one! And I'm using the pass so you have to do it!"

Yusei felt his face heat up, eventually letting out a reluctant sigh, "Fine, just... just put it on. How long do I have to wear it?"

"As long as I want, obviously" Judai grinned happily, humming as he put it on Yusei's head and poked at it until he was finally satisfied. He leaned back and just... stared at him for a few moments with an extremely elated smile on his face, and Yusei swore his eyes were sparkling.

"...Put yours on at least," Yusei reminded him, unable to hold the stare any more and looking away with reddened cheeks, "You said you would."

"Oh yeah, okay," Judai replied, seemingly snapping out of his trance and pulling the other set, a pair of brown ears, out so he could put them on as well. He gave Yusei a wink once he did, an ear flopping in his face lightly as he did so and asking, "So? How do I look?"

Yusei suddenly understood Judai's want to see him in these ridiculous ears, because damn, Judai was cute with those on. He finally managed to relax thanks to this, letting himself un-tense as he answered with a small smile, "Cute."

"Not as cute as you are though," Judai immediately retorted, swinging Yusei up and off the bed and causing him to squeak before sitting down himself so that he could put Yusei in his lap, "Look at you, your face is all red again and now you've got these cute bunny ears flopping around, too."

"I feel ridiculous still," Yusei muttered, quickly having to put his arms around Judai in order to keep his balance. Granted, Judai had a pretty strong grip on him so he wouldn't let him fall anyway, but he felt slightly better having the extra anchor.

He didn't have much time to think about it more though since Judai dragged him down for a rather intense kiss, a hand threading roughly through his hair to push him closer considering the height difference. Immediately, Judai took advantage of his surprise to push a tongue in his mouth and deepen the kiss, and Yusei couldn't help the noise he made as his head started to feel slightly foggy, all other thoughts evaporating with the feeling.

He panted slightly as they pulled apart a few minutes later, and he was sure that if his face hadn't been red before, that it was fully flushed now. As it was, he got a nice view of Judai's own face being flushed pink as well, and the sight was enough to erase any embarrassment he might have felt.

And then, Judai pulled out a marker and smirked in that same mischievous way as before, and Yusei nearly leaned down to smother it with a kiss again just so that he couldn't make him do anything more embarrassing than what he'd already forced upon him.

"You're missing the whiskers, Yusei~" Judai sang, eyes lighting up dangerously as he uncapped the marker, "Now, hold still - you wouldn't want me to mess up, now would you?"

Yusei's eye twitched as he felt the marker start to scratch at his cheeks lightly - damn it, Judai wasn't going to let him draw whiskers on him too, was he?

And wait, was that permanent marker?!

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