Hidden Quest - There Be Dragons

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"Is this quest ever going to end? We've been doing solely this quest for the past week," Judai sighed, staring at the newest quest update.

"It probably has really good rewards, so just think about that. Besides, look at the rest of the quest description - we've almost revealed all the question marks. There's only one more line of them."

He grumbled a bit more in response, though he couldn't really refute that; Judai was actually very excited to see what they'd get for completing a hidden quest like this, especially considering how long it'd taken them.

Still, it was taking way too long for his taste.

"Well, let's do this," he said, staring at the mountain path in front of them, "Do you think we'll have to go all the way to the top?"

"Most likely," Yusei replied, glancing at the snowy mountain peak. "We should probably just get through the rest of the quest tonight... you have a tournament in two days so you're going to need your sleep tomorrow night."

"I'm down for that, though should we tell Crow and Jack to log in? We can chat with them and help them with whatever they need on the side while we go through, and tomorrow they're both not doing anything important so it should be fine if they stay up so late."

Yusei hummed in thought before saying, "Sure. I'll message them real fast, then we can start heading up."

While the taller duelist did that, Judai looked down at Winged Kuriboh, who'd decided he wanted to be held like a stuffed bear today. He ruffled his fur a bit, eliciting a happy squeal from the duel spirit that he smiled at; he still hadn't figured out why the spirits could interact in this place, but he was glad for it all the same because having duel monsters here was the norm which let him play with his first duel spirit in the open.

"Alright, let's go. They said they'll be on after they eat dinner," Yusei said, holding out his arm this time for Judai to take. Apparently he'd gotten tired of getting dragged away everywhere, so a few days ago he'd taken to just willingly giving up his arm. Unknown to Yusei, this had clued Judai in to the fact that he'd literally been dragging him around everywhere, which he legitimately hadn't realized. He felt kind of bad about doing it, but then he'd think of how Yusei was willingly offering to walk arm-in-arm with him and get more embarrassed than anything else, which ironically caused him to calm down and walk at the same pace as the raven-haired man.

The duels this time were spread out over the few hours it took them to travel to the top since it wasn't considered a dungeon, and was instead a regular field area. About half an hour through the journey, Jack and Crow had logged on and started asking them various questions about different cards and quests as they'd just finished the beginning quest line and were trying to figure out what to do next. Their bickering was amusing, and chatting with them helped make the time pass faster.

Once they reached the top they were greeted with a cleared out, flat area containing a huge stone statue of a boy and a girl holding hands and pointing at the sky. Next to them were two more statues, both depicting a dragon, the plaques on them stating that they were the two friends' duel monsters.

"Do you recognize those dragons at all?" Judai asked.

"No, I don't," Yusei said, tilting his head slightly as he studied them, "Quillbolt, Winged Kuriboh, you know anything about them?"

Both duel spirits shook their heads, looking curiously up from their duelists' arms. Suddenly there was a flash of light as the ground rumbled underneath them, the sky growing darker as storm clouds rolled in. Judai grabbed onto Yusei tighter as they braced themselves against the sudden gusts, looking up once it stopped hitting at them.

Both their mouths fell open at the sight of two huge dragons slamming into the ground in front of them, roaring in unison.

"What the hell?!" Judai yelped, sharing an alarmed look with Yusei before the quest window suddenly popped up before them.

"It's the last part of the quest!" Yusei exclaimed, having to yell over the continuous roars of the dragons before them. "It says we have to win a tag duel against them!"

Looking at the title hovering over the two dragons - The Legendary Synchro Dragons, Clear Wing and Crystal Wing - Judai couldn't help but wonder for a split second how they'd ended up in this situation from a quest that supposedly dealt with 'Legends of the Forest', not 'Legends of the Mountain'.

"Well then, let's do this Yusei!" Judai grinned, filled with anticipation for what was sure to be the toughest duel they'd faced in the game yet. Looking over at Yusei, he met his eyes with a determined gleam, both of them nodding in unison as they summoned their decks.

"I'd say it's time for these dragons to get their game on, Judai!"

"Hell yeah! Now you're speaking my language! Let's show these guys just how strong we are when we're together!"

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