Tracking Method

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"I'm back!~"

Yusei looked up at the sound of Judai's arrival, immediately eyeing the bag in his hands with interest; he'd left to go get Pharaoh a collar and a tag for it with their information on it, just in case they ever lost him to the city somewhere.

"Hey, you find everything alright?" Yusei asked, leaning back in his chair and giving out an involuntary yawn as he pushed away from the desk. Judai was quick to walk over to him and lean down give him a peck on the lips, making him smile at the greeting.

"Yup! Did you know they make tags now that you can track with your phone? And they have these cool tag-making machine things that laser-print out metal tags on the spot, it's super cool!" Judai grinned, sitting on one of the chair arms and holding out the bag for Yusei to take, "Here, I think I picked some good ones - take a look."

Yusei did so, pulling out a plastic case first that contained the tag and laughing slightly at the kind Judai had chosen - it was very clearly Winged Kuriboh-shaped, and on one side had 'Pharaoh" written out while the other had a phone number to call if found. When he pulled out the collar, he was even more amused because once again, Judai had managed to somehow find something Stardust Dragon related to decorate with; the dark blue collar had little prints of Stardust all over it, in different poses and doing different things.

"I feel like he's going to be a bit miffed that we're essentially putting duel monster pictures on him," Yusei stated, causing Judai to laugh loudly in response.

"Aw man, that's one of the best parts though!" Judai exclaimed, catching himself from falling off the chair arm before continuing, "I just call it karma for that cat being so freakin' lazy and not wanting a collar in the first place. I need something to keep track of him with, especially now that we're in the city to stay."

"He'll get used to it," Yusei replied, putting everything back in the bag before batting Judai lightly on the back, "Come on, let's go find him - I think he's in our room right now, he was looking around since he hadn't done that earlier."

Judai hummed in agreement, hopping off the chair with a little laugh before suddenly perking up, going through his pockets and pulling out a little card, "Oh yeah, before I forget - here, shove the number on this in a password manager or something so we don't lose it. It's the number associated with the tag so we can look up his location on the website on there should we ever need to."

"Will do," Yusei said, taking the card and putting it in his pocket for now before giving Judai a mischievous grin, "Now really, let's go. I wanna see Pharaoh with that collar on."

"Yes," Judai replied, matching his grin easily as his eyes lit up, "Just to make sure, all the windows are closed right now, right?"


"Alright, let's go. You close the door on the way in while I try to grab him, he's definitely going to try and make a run for it."

Yusei had a feeling that running into the door seconds after it'd closed was a brand-new experience for Pharaoh, considering how little that cat seemed to run. All in all though, once they finally got the collar and tag on, they both sat on the bed and spent quite a bit of time taking pictures of the extremely grumpy cat and talking about how cute Pharaoh was with it on.

Now if only Yusei didn't have to worry about the looks Judai was giving him and trying to hide. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what he was thinking this time, so he let him think he was getting away with it.

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