Plans In Motion

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"Ah... he's moving," Judai said a few hours later, sitting up from the coach they'd relocated to beforehand and stretching, "Think they'll actually have the guts to storm this place?"

"Probably, especially if everything you've said about them is accurate," Yusei replied, turning off the tablet and setting it down on the table, "That, and considering many of them came in from different cities just to see you, it'd be odder if they didn't."

"That's true," Judai smiled, giving him a sheepish look, "Sorry about that, Yusei."

"It's not a problem," Yusei assured, raising an eyebrow, "I'd be more worried if Jack and Crow were here, but they aren't so..."

Judai grimaced slightly at the thought, though he couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Jack and Jun interacting - apparently they really didn't like each other and would constantly argue when in each other's presence. Personally, Judai believed it was hilarious and probably spurred by the fact that their personalities were so similar.

"Drama queens, dear, they're both drama queens," Yubel laughed, "To be honest though, nothing they argue about could come close to the spectacle that happened yesterday."

Judai could feel Haou smirking in the back of his mind, clearly still reveling in his absolute victory against Jack. They'd been nice enough to share their memories of what happened with Judai while they'd been waiting for the past few hours, and Judai had to admit that it was extremely entertaining to witness. He still couldn't believe Jack had tried to flip the table, and the reaction he gave when Haou thwarted him was pure gold.

Judai turned his attention back to Yusei when he hummed in thought, giving Judai a considering look.

"What's up?" Judai asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.

Yusei replied after a few moments, narrowing his eyes, "I blame this on you being a bad influence, but... I was thinking, we could prank them?"

Judai gaped at him in surprise for a moment before grinning widely, eyes sparkling at the idea, "Yusei, you're a genius! Oh my gods, how did I not think of that before? Quick, what do we do- also hey, I'm a fantastic influence! I always knew you had a mischievous side, I'm just bringing it out to show its full potential."

He got a raised eyebrow in response as Yusei hummed, "If that's what you'd like to believe, then... Anyway, here's what I was thinking-"

Judai grinned wider as he listened to the plan Yusei had thought up on the spot; right now, it was absolutely music to his ears, and he couldn't help the slight cackle that escaped at the end of it.

"This is going to amazing," he said, feeling giddy already about it, "We don't have much time to prepare, so if we want to get the stuff for it we gotta go now."

Yusei nodded with a smile, getting up and tossing Judai his jacket before putting on his own, "We'll take the bike, let's go."

Judai cheered, though he made sure to pull Yusei down for a long kiss before they left. He was quick to respond, pulling Judai closer by grabbing his arms, the keys in his hand pressing into his arm as well but easily ignored.

"Love you," Judai smiled, pulling away a minute later and wrapping the other in a hug instead.

"Love you too," Yusei chuckled, hugging him back for a bit before Judai felt him softly tug him off, "Now come on, we gotta go get prank supplies."

"Yes~" Judai replied happily, rushing over to the door, "Let's go!"

He knew he loved that man for a reason - what an absolute genius he was. Pranks! Genius!

He didn't even care about the exasperated feeling Yubel was sending him in the back of his mind or the grumbles coming from Haou about there being two of him now coming up with bad ideas.

Somehow, someway, Yusei had helped him flip the situation from being something Judai was dreading with a passion and (only slightly now admittedly) stressing about into something he was looking forward to and couldn't come fast enough. Judai knew pulling out that mischievous part of him was a good idea!

Even so, despite how happy Judai was and how much he was mentally praising Yusei at the moment, it didn't stop his usual teasing on the ride there with pokes to the side and breaths on his poor boyfriend's neck. That wasn't something Judai could just give up, after all - it was way too fun to not do it and he found his reactions far too cute, much to Yusei's chagrin.

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