Meeting The Twins

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Judai looked on in amusement as Yusei was subsequently tackled by a green blur flying through the door, though he managed to catch the kid and keep his balance. Another green-haired kid poked their head around the corner, looking rather sheepish at how their sibling was acting.

"S-Sorry Yusei, he's just excited because it's been a while since we last came over," they explained, coming in and closing the door behind them. She must've been Luka, then, from how calm she was compared to her sibling who was still practically vibrating in place from excitement.

"It's fine," Yusei said, smiling at their antics, "Anyways, there's someone you should come meet." He gestured for Judai to come over, which he did so with a friendly grin.

"Yo! I'm Judai, nice to meet'cha!" he stated, sending them a wink and a finger salute.

"I'm Lua, and this is my sister, Luka!" Lua exclaimed, quickly moving in front of him so he could get a better look and humming in thought, "Huh, you look kinda familiar actually- are you a duelist? Duel me!"

Before Judai could answer, the boy's sister cut in with a reprimanding look, "Lua, you can't just ask him so suddenly, you just met him!" She turned to him before continuing, "Sorry, he means well. I'm Luka, it's nice to meet you as well."

"Ah, don't worry, I am a duelist after all - I like your spirit, Lua!" Judai said, ruffling Lua's hair for a moment before quickly dodging a pouty swipe from the boy, "I'll duel you if you want later, but for now, didn't you guys come over for a reason?"

Seeing Lua go from sad, to elated, to deflating once again in defeat was hilarious. Judai sometimes forgot just how amusing kids could be, but this was a clear reminder of it.

"Tell me about it, you weren't much better when you were a kid," Yubel chuckled, amusement ringing throughout the back of his mind. He sent annoyance back towards her, though even he had to admit that he was just as excitable as a child.

"Yeah, we needed to work on a project and it required some technical work... luckily we're expected to get help from people who actually know what they're doing, so this works out well," Luka explained, glancing over at Yusei.

"Well, we should probably get started on it. You guys want anything? Water, tea?" Yusei asked, motioning for them to bring their stuff over to the desk in the corner of the room.

The twins paused, blinking at each other before looking over at him curiously, "You mean you guys actually have something other than water and coffee? Since when did you have tea? Did you guys finally start eating properly too?"

Judai snickered at Yusei's suddenly blank look since he could clearly see the embarrassment in his eyes from the fact that even kids were questioning his previous diet of coffee and instant ramen.

"You can thank me for that," Judai laughed, bringing their attention over to him, "I personally went through that kitchen and threw out all the instant ramen. At this point that kitchen's a point of pride for me, just go look at how well-kept it looks now." With that, the kids ran over to the kitchen entrance, staring agape at how clean the counters were and marvelling at how it actually looked... well, used for anything besides ramen storage and cheap coffee brewing.

"Holy- It's like a completely different kitchen!" Lua yelled, opening up a cabinet to look inside.

"There's actually plates and pans and different kinds of cups other than mugs..." Luka stated in surprise, looking over at Judai in question, "You said you threw out the instant ramen? Does that mean they really do eat actual food now?"

At this point Yusei was covering his face with his hands, though Judai was pretty sure he was internally laughing at the situation despite his initial embarrassment; he'd most likely accepted his fate by now that the state of the kitchen pre-Judai would forever be remembered and laughed at.

"Yeah, mostly because I'm the one who cooks the food. Yusei's getting pretty good at it though, now that he finally has someone forcing him to learn," Judai replied, slinging an arm around Yusei's shoulders as best as he could. It didn't work too well considering the height difference, but it didn't stop him from secretly trailing a finger down the back of his neck to tease him; Yusei glared at him from behind his hands, eye twitching slightly. "Well, enough of that, I'll just pull out a variety of stuff for you guys and you can pick from it, okay? Go get started on your project - and remember Lua, the sooner you finish, the sooner you get that duel you wanted."

That certainly pumped Lua up, the boy cheering as he dashed back over to the desk with his sister following behind him. Yusei followed shortly after, but not without giving Judai a short warning look that was ruined by the fading red on his cheeks.

With a hop in his step from how cute Yusei was, Judai went and started gathering drinks.

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