Splashing Around

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Judai hummed happily next to him, his cheek pressed into Yusei's chest while his arm around Judai's shoulder pulled him in closer for warmth. They'd simply sat and enjoyed the rain and the company after finishing their late breakfast, the sound of the rain filling the air as they watched the clouds out in the horizon move around.

"Hey, Yusei?" Judai suddenly asked, tilting his head up to look at him without actually removing it from him. Yusei hummed in acknowledgment, prompting him to continue, "Wanna go jump in some puddles with me?"

The childish grin Judai gave him was infectious and Yusei couldn't have denied him even if he wanted to, "Sure. Just not too long, we don't want to get sick accidentally."

"You're the one who'd be getting sick, not me," Judai retorted, standing up quickly before grabbing Yusei's hands and pulling him up, "Come on, let's go - I haven't done this in a while, it's fun!"

"I haven't either," Yusei replied with a smile, suddenly glad that he always wore boots that went up high on his leg so there wasn't any chance of water getting inside them, "Not since I was little, at least. Martha used to scold us for getting muddy and playing outside when it rained because we'd trail it back inside."

"That's just what kids do, they're messy little guys," Judai stated, laughing slightly and tugging Yusei over to the sidewalk. He proceeded to do a short hop and slam his feet down into a puddle, sending water flying everywhere with a loud 'plop'. His face brightened immediately as he turned to give Yusei a hopeful look.

Yusei glanced at one of the puddles right next to him before stomping a foot down into it and sending Judai a mischievous smirk as he kicked up and sent water splashing towards him. The chiming laughter he got in response only encouraged him to do it more, and soon enough they were both laughing as they tried to one-up each other in making the biggest splash.

"We're both totally soaked!" Judai exclaimed after a while, giggling uncontrollably at this point as he let himself fall onto Yusei, "Look at our hair, I don't think I've ever seen yours lay flat like that before for more than five minutes."

Yusei had noticed of course, considering his bangs were plastered to his face and he had to keep moving them out of his way so he could see, but now that Judai had brought it up he was paying attention to how Judai looked; his brown hair was matted down, bangs sticking to his face like his did but even more chaotically, and his face was red from a mix of the cold and laughing so much while his eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked up at him with a silly grin. He felt his heart skip a beat as he committed the sight of rain dripping down Judai's face and off the ends of his hair to memory.


Handsome, beautiful, cute, attractive - Yusei couldn't describe Judai with just one of them. He was all of them right now as he stared up with wide eyes filled with curiosity and what he could now recognize as love - it made Yusei think back to the first time he'd held Judai as he received the same kind of look, where he'd seen vulnerability instead and felt a connection to the other that stole his breath away.

He'd vowed back then to never let him go, and he was damn well never going to go back on it.

Yusei didn't say a word, but he knew he didn't need to as he gently brushed away Judai's hair from his face with a gloved hand and pressed their lips together, arms snaking around each other slowly as they kissed in the middle of the rain.

All he needed was that quick flash of understanding he saw from Judai and the way he'd leaned up to meet him halfway.

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