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"You really didn't think this through, did you?" Yusei mused, sending Judai the most deadpan stare possible. The brown-haired boy was smiling sheepishly, though he still didn't look too worried... if at all.

"To be fair," Judai responded, "I already would 'disappear' for months on end during my time, so the fact that I reappeared shouldn't be too much of a stretch, right?"

Yusei couldn't do anything but continue to stare at him - what in the world was that logic? There was a huge difference between months and 20 years.

"...Right Yusei?" Judai somehow exhibited even more sheepishness, and he sighed. The older boy was lucky that Yusei had connections to rather important people, so the problem of Judai being, y'know, a missing person with no identification would be solved after he pulled a few strings and called in a favor or two. However, letting him stew in his embarrassment was amusing so he'd let him worry a bit more.

If, of course, Judai was even worrying at this point. Yusei had a feeling this was going to be a common occurrence and that he'd have to be the one worrying for both of them.

"Come on, say somethin'! Yuuuuseiiiiii-" Judai whined, and now shorter boy was pouting at him, and it was so adorable that his heart started doing flips in his chest and he couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry. I can fix it, you'll be here legally in no time," he said, reluctantly turning back to his laptop. Work called, after all, and if he wanted to eventually pick up where his father left off he had a lot of studying to do.

"Wait, what? That just leaves me with more questions, don't sound so mysterious bro! Yusei come on-"

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now