Deck Building

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Judai hummed, looking down at his cards that he'd spread across the bed in their room - not the kitchen table because, well... he had far too many cards for that to work. As it was, he was trying to decide just what deck he wanted to take to the tournament.

"Neo-spacians?" Judai mumbled to himself, Yubel floating curiously by his side for once, "I could do your full deck though..."

"It's up to you, though I do quite enjoy it whenever you use me in duels," Yubel said, a pleased smile forming on her face, "It's always entertaining to see people's reactions to losing to me. Remember that guy from the last tournament? With the gorilla? Hilarious."

"...Okay, that was pretty funny," Judai admitted with an amused sigh, "I'm just worried because this is the pro-leagues, right? Which means people will have a lot more tricks up their sleeves."

"So? The entirety of your dueling style consists of having more tricks and flexibility than your opponent," Yubel pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him questioningly, "You usually mix my specific deck with the Neo-spacians for that exact reason."

"It's- It's more like if your effects get negated, I usually don't have an answer for it," Judai explained, frowning as he looked back down at his cards again, "We've talked about this multiple times before, remember? There's not anything I can play that'll help with that while not slowing down the rest of the deck if I draw it."

Yubel frowned as well at the reminder, letting out an annoyed huff as they both fell silent and tried to think of something to do.

"Man, all these new monsters really make this difficult," Judai groaned after a while, half-tempted to just flop down on top of all his cards just so he could become one with the bed and forget about this for a while, "There's so many more negates now too, which really sucks for fusion... monsters..."

Wait, if the issue was about the versatility of decks and their ability nowadays to negate things, and this in itself was caused by the fact that synchro monster were easy to summon, then-!

"That's it!" Judai exclaimed, quickly moving over across the room to grab a box he'd nearly forgotten about from the closet - they were the hundred or so booster packs that Haou had won at the arcade that one time, and if Yusei was to be believed (and really, when wouldn't Yusei be believed?) then they contained a lot of the staple cards from this era.

Which meant negates, and most likely a bunch of cards that activated in response to synchro summons.

"Yusei!" Judai called, running out of their room with a grin and quickly gaining the attention of the other from where he was fiddling with some parts and his laptop at his work desk, "Time for a break, come open these packs with me!"

"Packs...?" Yusei muttered in response, giving him a confused look before his eyes lit up in remembrance a few seconds later, "Oh yeah, you never opened those, did you?"

"Nope! Now come on, let's go!" Judai cheered, running down the stairs and pulling Yusei into a hug that the other struggled to return considering he was still sitting and hadn't had time to put the stuff in his hands down.

"Okay, okay! Just let me finish this up real quick, I need to save this data befo-"

Judai interrupted him with a kiss, fully enjoying the fact that because Yusei was sitting down, he was the one leaning down for once. It just so happened to also come with the addition of Yusei cutely struggling to figure out what to do as he couldn't see the desk anymore to put the parts down, yet was also quickly being drowned in the kiss and oh-so clearly wanted to be able to pull him closer and down onto his lap.

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