Sleepy Fox

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"Yusei, do me a favor and get off the bed for a second," Judai muttered later that night, his fingers twitching slightly around the sheets under him. He just couldn't get comfortable enough to actually sleep, no matter how good it felt to have Yusei scratching his ears constantly.

And that was saying something, because it felt really nice to have his temporary fox ears pet. He was still in a slight state of bliss from earlier because of the constant attention to them.

Luckily his wonderful boyfriend didn't ask any questions, simply doing as he asked while Judai sat up and stared at the sheets for a few seconds - suddenly something seemed to click, though, so he followed his instincts and started gathering up the sheets and blankets, even going so far as to grab some of the extra ones from out of the closet. By the time he was done the bed was a veritable mess, but to him it was a well-organized, satisfying creation.

"Won't it get too hot to sleep with all of those?" Yusei asked, a small smile on his face as he walked over to get a closer look at the final product.

"No," Judai said confidently, not entirely sure why he knew this but deciding not to question it, "Now get over here and - hey, careful!" He lightly smacked Yusei's hand away from part of what he was just going to dub a 'modified blanket fort', giving him a playful glare, "No touching that part, come over here and don't destroy it."

"I don't think touching it once would destroy it," Yusei replied amusedly, raising an eyebrow but following his directions anyway. It took a little while, but eventually Judai was satisfied with the set-up and he curled up into his side with a happy sigh, incredibly glad to find that he was finally able to relax and get comfortable.

"Much better," he grinned, unashamedly letting out a pleased hum when hands went back to stroking his ears lightly.

"It's surprisingly not as hot as I thought it'd be," Yusei admitted, blinking at all the sheets and blankets surrounding them before glancing at the open window, "Maybe it's because it's a cold night..."

"No, it's made to be cool," Judai corrected, pausing for a moment at his own answer before continuing, "Huh, I wonder if that potion does more than just give me ears and a tail?"

"I'm pretty sure it does, the evidence thus proves it," Yusei agreed, turning his head to kiss his forehead for a moment, "You're a lot more playful and pushy than usual, to be honest. For instance, when you asked me to get off the bed it was more of a demand than anything else - usually you'd tack on a 'please' or a 'can', but you didn't."

"Did I? I hadn't noticed," Judai frowned, earning himself another kiss to the forehead that made him smile again, "You have your phone, right? Let's look up fox behaviors before we sleep, then tomorrow will be a bit easier to deal with... hopefully."

Yusei laughed quietly, causing him to look up at him in confusion as to what was so funny.

"You did it again just now," Yusei smirked down at him teasingly, "How pushy, I don't know if I should do it if I'm being demanded to."

Judai felt his face warm slightly in embarrassment once he mentally went back over what he'd said, sheepishly replying, "Ah, sorry."

"Don't worry about it, you can't really help it right now," Yusei assured him, pulling out his phone and holding it in view of both of them, "Plus I think it's interesting to see just how these extras are affecting you. It's a pretty novel experience, isn't it?"

"True," Judai nodded, feeling a bit better about the oddities he was starting to face, "Alright, I'll make sure to tell you if anything else happens that I notice."

Yusei hummed, prompting Judai to look over for a second - that was when he finally noticed the way his eyes were glinting, that same kind of expression that he'd get whenever he found something that interested him that he wanted to completely figure out falling easily into place. He paused at the sight, wondering if he should try to tease him about it before realizing that he'd probably just shrug and grin while agreeing with most of them.

Instead he asked curiously, "Later, would want to... buy another one of these?"

"The potions? I don't see the harm in it, especially if it only lasts a day. I wonder if they have different types, too."

"Hope they can make a cat one for you..."

"Sticking with our analogies, then?"

"Yeah. But I also wanna see you with actual cat ears and a tail - I wonder, would you immediately curl up on the couch and sleep?" Judai mused.

"...If it was warm enough, then probably," Yusei admitted, tapping the screen in his hand lightly, "Remember when we visited Kaiba Dome and slept on the stadium playing site? Every time after that where we went in the sun, it just felt so nice that I almost fell asleep a couple of times."

"Yeah, you're definitely like a cat," Judai chuckled, leaning his head back into Yusei's hand, who ruffled his hair a bit before going back to his ears. It only took a minute of this for his eyes to droop, so hopefully Yusei would remember what info he'd found in the morning.

He was out in two, feeling completely relaxed and safe in the blanket fort and Yusei's arms.

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