Wild Tag Duel Tournament Appeared!

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Judai's phone buzzed in his hand early the next morning, an email alert popping up at the top of his screen. When he tapped it and read through the email, his eyes lit up in excitement.

"Yusei, tournament sign-ups just began in Duel Dimensions - it's a flash tag-duel tournament! It's later today, we have to do it!" Judai exclaimed, sitting up quickly from where he'd been lounging on the couch. Yusei looked over curiously next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders before looking at the email himself.

"A flash tournament? Are they going to get enough people for that?" Yusei questioned, reading through the requirements, "We should be good to duel since it's an 'anything goes' tournament, and skills are allowed. Should we use this as a test run for our new decks? We did finish them for the most part, we can just tune them slightly before the tournament."

"Hell yeah, we're going to destroy everyone!" Judai cheered, pointing at the last section of the email, "It says there's special Valentine's themed rewards just for participating, and that the winners will get a unique cosmetic item. I guess that's why it's a tag-duel tournament, they're hosting it because Valentine's Day is tomorrow... why hold it today then?"

Yusei hummed, giving Judai back the phone to so he could look at the rewards list - Judai knew he wasn't too interested in any of the cosmetic items, just the cards and the actual duels, so he let the taller man move him so he was being hugged from behind, the other's head digging into his shoulder and neck.

"Probably because a lot of people will be busy with other plans tomorrow," Yusei replied.

"True - speaking of which, should I be worried about anything tomorrow?"

Yusei snorted at that, "That's what I should be asking you. You're still sitting on that request from winning the bet, Judai."

Well, at least it meant Yusei knew him well - Judai was planning to use it tomorrow, after all, though to be honest it was killing him to save it for so long. Having so much time to think about what he could use it for was backfiring on him and truly testing his willpower to go through with his plan.

"Will it make you feel better if I say you'll like it too?" Judai asked, turning his head to give the man a cheeky grin.

"So you are planning something," Yusei said, raising his eyebrows slightly with a smile before catching him in a kiss that Judai was quick to lean into, turning his phone off and putting it off to the side so he could turn his body around to face him.

A snicker from the top of the stairs broke them apart quickly, their faces flushing red as they snapped their heads up towards the noise.

"You guys really make this too easy," Crow teased, waving a camera around in the air. Judai however, face burning from embarrassment, was determined this time to save himself and Yusei from the teasing; he quickly sent a shadow to snatch the camera out of Crow's hands, causing the man to yell in surprise.

"What the hell?!" Crow sputtered, running down the stairs quickly after the camera which had been brought back to Judai. Judai felt rather proud of himself, a wicked grin spreading on his face, especially when Yusei re-wrapped himself around him to help him protect the camera from the incoming human missile.

"Quick, delete it," Yusei said, shoving a palm roughly into Crow's face when he tried to reach for it and holding him away. Within seconds Judai had found the picture and deleted, though he was slightly disappointed to see that they'd been the only pictures on the camera - clearly this was only a small victory, and not one that would win the war since they obviously would've made tons of backups of the other pictures.

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