The Hunt Is On

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"I'm gonna kill him."

That earned a multitude of snorts from the group as they stared at the note taped to the door of the apartment, Jun scowling at the forefront as if it had personally slighted him.

Then again, it kind-of had.

'Hey guys, come right on in! The door's unlocked.

While you're inside, please don't break anything.

...Thunder, please don't touch anything at all. I'm holding you guys up to making sure he doesn't.


"Well, let's go in!" Johan cheered, pushing his way past Jun and opening the door, "Clearly he knew we were coming, so we've got nothing holding us back now."

"How'd he figure it out though? We all gathered yesterday afternoon, he had maybe a day to learn about it," Asuka wondered, sighing as she took in the room, "Nothing seems out of the ordinary though..."

"Hey guys, there's a little scroll taped to the wall," Sho pointed out, waving the rest over as he took it off the wall and unraveled it. A bunch of little cut-out Winged Kuribohs fell out when he did, most falling to the floor.

"Yeah, that's definitely Judai's work," Edo said, raising an eyebrow, "Didn't know they made punch-outs of duel monsters, huh... I might need to look into that for the next event I work on."

"Guys, it says there's a hint to where they're hiding somewhere in the room that's relatively obvious and doesn't require moving objects," Sho stated, directing their attention away from the paper Kuribohs.

As one, they all started looking around the room, trying to figure out where the hint could be despite not even knowing what it looks like. Lucky for them though, Ruby was out in spirit form (though this was very normal - it was always weirder if Ruby wasn't out with Johan) and happened to run under the table; she called out to Johan, who pat her on the head and reached under to grab it out.

"Ruby found it! Good job, Ruby," Johan called, reading the little slip of paper out loud, "It says 'This cafe has good coffee of blue.' That's it."

"Blue coffee? That's a bit-" Sho frowned, before getting cut-off by Jun.

"I know what place it is, come on," Jun scowled, spinning back towards the door, "At least he has good taste in coffee."

The rest of the group was quick to follow him out back to the truck they'd taken, seeing as they had six people going everywhere. They didn't bother to question him, considering he seemed to know what Judai was talking about almost immediately, though they couldn't help but question if Judai knew that Jun would know.

How odd...

"Wait, doesn't Judai hate coffee?" Edo asked, remembering one time he'd tried giving Judai coffee while they were still at the academy. He'd nearly done a spit-take before he not-so-secretly dumped it in the trash the first chance he got.

"Oh yeah, he does!" Kenzan blinked, giving off a grin as he remembered another incident as well, "One time I tried suggesting that he drank it so he could actually wake up in the mornings and he gave me one of the most offended looks ever! He looked like I'd just said his deck was trash or something."

"It's not Judai that likes it, obviously," Jun piped up, swerving quickly around someone who was driving too slow for his tastes, "But I know for a fact that one of the people he lives with goes there nearly every day."

"'Jack-ass Atlas', eh?" Johan teased, causing Jun to glare more at the road, "You sure seem to know a lot about someone you dislike so much."

"Shut up."

"Oh my, should I be worried about something?" Asuka pitched in, sharing a wicked grin with Johan while doing so.

"Oh my god, both of you shut up, just no-"

"-Oh ho, Jun, I didn't know. I should invite both of you to my next event so you can have time to yourselves secretly." Edo stated, joining the teasing and earning a shout from the driver.

"Everyone shut up! Goddammit, I don't like that fucker that way at all! He's a cocky bastard!"

Sho continued from there, saying, "You're just mad because he won that duel at-"

"-It was inconclusive-"

"-Even I know he had the duel, and I couldn't see your guys' hands like Sho did," Kenzan pointed out simply.

Everyone yelped as the car suddenly jerked to the side as Jun made a sharp, fast turn off the highway.

"I hate you all. Hate. You. All."

"Okay okay, just drive safely!" They cried, suddenly fearing for their lives. Maybe they shouldn't have poked fun at him while he was driving... Yeah, definitely not the best idea they'd had in a while.

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