Kings of Games

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The games at this particular arcade could be logged into with account cards, so the first thing they did was go over to a side machine and create their accounts.

"Account created!~ This ought to be fun, we can come back again and pick up where we left off!" Judai hummed happily, sending Yusei a wide grin. The other male smiled back at him, finishing up his account creation as well before letting himself be dragged away as Judai tried to figure out what game to play first. There were an awful lot of them too, and all new ones that he'd never heard of before - rhythm games, shooting games, strategy games... probably best to start simple with a rhythm game.

"Y'know, we have a legacy to live up to," Judai noted, picking out a game that required you to hit notes on a fake piano, "Yugi wasn't called the King of Games for nothin' after all."

"Wait, you mean he was literally the King of all Games?" Yusei asked, staring at him in surprise. Judai nodded with a grin, starting up the game and talking while playing.

"Yup! He was good at everything! Card games, video games, board games, all types of games - the only times he's actually lost since splitting with the Pharaoh were to me, but that's because I'm his heir and technically hold the title as well. Apparently it's got a bit to do with the title itself since it's magical," he explained, tapping away and quickly getting down how to play, "Basically, anyone who holds the title will be very, very good at duel monsters and have a high rate of learning for all other games."

"And you're sure that... I also hold the title?" Yusei continued after Judai finished his game. Judai really didn't like the hesitance he heard in his voice and turned to look him dead in the eyes.

"You absolutely do, there's no doubt about it," he said as seriously as possible, poking him in the chest for emphasis, "If you need more technical proof, then here - remember the thing with your core? Once the corruption was removed, it started emitting duel energy the same way Yugi's and mine do. Basically, a King of Game's core will leak a certain amount of energy to its surroundings that doesn't disappear. This is something I've only ever seen in us three; duel energy leaks from anyone else simply don't stick around."

"I guess so, but I'd probably believe it easier if I could see it for myself..." Yusei replied, frowning in thought, "That and I don't think I'll really be good at other games, and I've only recently come to accept that I'm the best at duel monsters in my generation- ow!"

Judai flicked him in the forehead, sending him an annoyed look, "Remember what I said? High rate of learning for all other games. We're both going to suck at all the games in here at first, but after a few hours we're going to be setting new records." Yusei clearly didn't believe him much, but he was willing to bet he would by the end of the day.

Ironically, after only an hour of trying out a bunch of new games, Yusei was the first to set a new top score and on a bullet-hell game at that. The look on his face was priceless as he blinked at the screen in disbelief, and Judai was quick to raise an eyebrow at him, biting back a grin at being proven right.

"There's no way, that felt easy right up until the end there," Yusei mumbled, "That was only my second time playing it too."

"I did tell you that this would happen, you're a King of Games just like me after all."

Yusei sighed after a few moments, finally looking back over at him with an unreadable look - Judai looked back in clear confusion, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Eventually though, the taller male gave him a small smile, tugging him forwards to give him a quick peck on the forehead.

"Sorry, it's just that it feels a little bit like cheating," Yusei admitted.

Oh, so that's what it was? Judai understood now, considering he'd felt like that for a while as well once he'd learned about the title's magic, but Yugi had helped him with understanding what it really meant to hold the title during his stay with him.

"I felt like that for a bit when I learned about it too, but the way it actually works is that the magic just amplifies your abilities - you have to already have a significantly above-average rate of learning for certain games in order to be designated the title in the first place," Judai explained, quickly going on his toes to peck him on the lips, "So don't worry about it, okay? Besides, it just means that we're evenly matched now, and that makes everything more fun."

Yusei's eyes shined at that, glinting when he gave him a mischievous grin that made Judai's heart race at how handsome made the other male look.

"Well then, let's make a bet - whoever wins the most games here gets to make the other do whatever they want one time."

"Oho, so that's how you want play? You're on, dear, just don't get too embarrassed when you lose to me."

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