Tag Tournament Final

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Their finals opponents were a young couple who looked to be the same age as Akiza; they greeted them with a very excited wave, the girl of the pair being far more enthusiastic than the shyer looking boy who just smiled at them.

"I'm so glad we get to duel you guys!" The girl exclaimed, nudging the boy next to her as she continued, "We've got a lot to thank you two for, don't we, dear?"

"Ah... yeah, we do," the boy said, rubbing the pack of his head with his free hand with a sheepish grin. Some of his hair shifted away from the side of his face when he did so, revealing a tiny little yellow marker on his cheek to the two.

Ah, that's why, Judai thought to himself, quickly managing to put the pieces together as he glanced at Yusei, This guy must be from Satellite and gotten caught while trying to survive out there.

He'd already known that he and Yusei were a power couple on a lot of fronts for social issues, mainly thanks to their friends telling them this over and over again, but he'd never really understood until this moment. The couple in front of them was probably a prime example of their influence, since they were plenty open about their relationship despite one of them having a criminal marker and being from Satellite (which, nine times out of ten, meant that the marker was completely unjustified, of course) - Judai had a feeling that had he and Yusei not blown up in popularity and helped ease the tensions between people from Satellite and the city a bit, they wouldn't even be dueling together at the moment, let alone out and about like this.

It was a depressing thing to realize, but Judai was just glad that he and Yusei were doing some good in the world merely by existing.

Yusei seemed to study the boy for a moment, narrowing his eyes in thought before they lit up at a memory, "Oh, I think I remember you - it was a few years ago, but I let you stay one night when you got caught in the middle of a turf war, right?"

The boy perked up immediately, his shy smile turning less-so as he stared at Yusei in amazement, "Yeah, that was me! You really saved me back then, I can't believe you remember! I really can't thank you enough for that."

"Well, you can start by giving us a fun duel!" Judai grinned, holding up his duel disk with a wink, "That's all the thanks either of us would ever want, right Yusei?"

"Agreed," Yusei smiled, nodding and holding up his own duel disk, "Give us your best shot."

"Will do!" The other two exclaimed, holding up their duel disks as well, "Let's duel!"

They'd clearly been practicing on their tag duel skills, because the other two were really good at synergizing their cards to get some big monsters out on the field. Yusei'd been pulling out all the trap cards he could, thankfully, which led to nearly every single attack being negated somehow, either through Scrap-Iron Scarecrow or defenders like Sonic Chick who wouldn't be destroyed thanks to their opponent only having massive attack point monsters.

Too bad for them though, because Yusei had just brought out Stardust and Judai was ready to pull off a ridiculous combo thanks to it - he had all the right cards in hand and on the field, and their opponents' big monsters were going to work against them this duel.

"I have to give you guys props, you've got game!" Judai said, drawing his card and glancing at it, "But Yusei and I have a couple tricks up our sleeves! I'm gonna start off by activating Yusei's facedown, Limit Reverse, to bring back Yubel from my Graveyard!"

"Ah, so we are doing this one!" Yubel laughed, looking over at Stardust with a wicked grin, "Hey, don't think we've met - you better not hold back your punches."

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