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"They definitely look happy," Judai said, smiling at the scene before him. Yusei's three duel spirits were zooming around the couch chasing after Winged Kuriboh, who was happily flapping his way ahead. Meanwhile, Judai and Yusei were sitting in the middle of that chaos on said couch, watching their spirits have fun while Crow and Jack argued over something in the workshop part of the living room.

Yusei hummed in agreement, sipping on his mug of tea so that he could be doing something with his hands - Judai and Crow had been teaming up the last few days, dragging him away from his computer to the other corner of the room, but they'd also quickly learned to shove something in Yusei's space to fiddle with since it would keep him from getting too work-antsy.

Granted, Judai was the same way and was nursing his own bottle of soda; Yusei really didn't think drinking caffeine would help him later on, but as long as it satisfied the older boy, he'd go along with it.

"You find any more tournaments to duel in?" Yusei asked, settling a bit further into the couch. It wasn't the comfiest couch ever, but it served well enough and had plenty of pillows to make up for it.

"Yeah, I think I found one - considering I'm listed as an 'Advanced' rank now thanks to how well I did in that first tournament, there's a lot more options available," Judai replied, pulling out his phone. "Here, look. What do you think?"

Yusei leaned on Judai, looking over his shoulder slightly at the phone and reading the details while taking another sip of tea.

"...Looks good to me. I don't think this one gets broadcast on TV, but the prize is good and some of the already confirmed contestants are rising stars; beat them and your rank will probably rise again," he eventually said.

"Cool! I'll sign up right now then, thanks Yusei," Judai grinned, pulling up the sign-up page. Yusei stayed where he was so he could watch and make sure he was doing it correctly.

Unknown to the two on the couch, Crow and Jack had stopped arguing and were instead staring at them with calculated looks.

Eventually Crow piped up, "Bet you a thousand yen they get together."

"...I'm not so stupid as to take a losing bet," Jack grunted out, giving Crow a deadpan stare. Crow just grinned at him unashamedly, proceeding to pull out his phone and snap pictures of the two.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Crow glanced over, an evil look glinting in his eye, before explaining.

"Yusei's practically our younger brother in all but blood, Jack," he said lowly, careful to make sure the two on the couch couldn't hear him. Of course, he didn't actually need to worry considering the ruckus their duel spirits were making, but he couldn't have known that. "It's practically our duty as older brothers to embarrass the crap out of him, and part of that is showing the most embarrassing slideshow of pictures ever when the wedding happens."

Jack blinked before grinning wickedly and raising his own phone up. "Y'know, it's times like this that remind me why this little dysfunctional family is fantastic," he said, and soon both he and Crow were cackling quietly together.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now