Chocolate Goodies

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"I'm back!~"

Yusei perked up from where he was buried in his laptop at the sound of Judai returning, having moved downstairs to his desk after lunch so he could fiddle with some parts he'd connected to his computer.

"Welcome back. How was it?" he asked, spinning around in his chair just in time to get pulled up into a hug and spun around by Judai - well, as best as Judai could at least, considering the height difference. A smile instantly popped onto his face at this, and he couldn't help the short laugh that escaped him when Judai grinned at him afterwards.

"Great! I didn't have to interact with anyone but the other people in the kitchen, so that was nice - rich people parties aren't my favorite thing to be part of," Judai replied, tugging Yusei back towards the door for a moment so he could pick up the bag he'd put down so his hands were free, "Here, close your eyes for a sec'."

Yusei complied, closing his eyes while listening to Judai rustle through the bag, the sound of a foam food container being opened ringing out.

"Alright, open your mouth - I made this one, I think you're gonna like it," Judai said, a warm hand suddenly cupping Yusei's face lightly with a thumb pressing at his chin gently.

He felt his face warm slightly but complied once again, the taste of chocolate filling his mouth quickly after. He hummed at the taste, realizing that it was chocolate cake; not just that, but when he bit down on it, liquid chocolate poured out, meaning it was a mini chocolate lava cake.

"So?" Judai asked, his hand still not having left his face yet.

"That's really good," Yusei answered, opening his eyes back up only to see Judai staring at him intently. His face flushed more as he looked away, continuing, "I- Chocolate's one of my favorites so..."

He made the mistake of looking back after a moment; all it took was seeing Judai's signature, foxy grin on his face to know immediately that this wouldn't end in his favor.

"That wouldn't happen to be because of me, hm?" Judai teased, leaning up and close to his face, "Bet you can't eat chocolate now without thinking about me."

Yusei didn't deign him with an answer, though judging from how Judai's grin widened ever slightly he'd probably reacted just the way he wanted.

"Aw, don't worry," Judai said, finally taking his hand off his face and pulling him back into another hug, burying his head into his shoulder, "I can't either, and I'm the one that's got a free pass to make you do whatever I want still, remember?"

"...I was hoping you'd forgotten," Yusei admitted, remembering the 'housewife' incident. It'd been a while since that happened, so he'd half-hoped that Judai had forgotten he'd wheedled it out of him, but it would seem he hadn't.

"Anyway, as happy as I am to be home and hugging you, I really need a shower," Judai sighed, pulling away reluctantly with a smile, "I probably smell like a mix of sweets, seafood, and steak - I don't know about you, but that's an awful combination."

Yusei just shrugged, having noticed it but not really being affected by it, "I can't really say much, I probably smell like gasoline and motor oil half the time thanks to working on the runners."

Judai laughed at that, making his way up the stairs with a wave, "Yeah, but that's not nearly as bad as this! I like that about you actually, it's very... you. A-anyway, I'll be back down for dinner in a bit!"

To Yusei's immense satisfaction, Judai looked embarrassed at having admitted that - it was about time he got a taste of his own medicine. He'd even stuttered cutely, too.

Now in much higher spirits than earlier, he grabbed the bag of food Judai'd left behind and wandered into the kitchen, putting it in the fridge and grabbing out some actual dinner food to warm-up on the stove. The least he could do after Judai'd been cooking all day was make dinner for him after all.

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