Rainy Morning

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"It's raining, huh?" Yusei mumbled, curling more around Judai when he woke up to try and steal more of his warmth. The living heater was sleeping away still, his breaths even and slow as he unconsciously responded to the movement and tightened his grip on Yusei's shirt; Yusei smiled down at him and gave him a light kiss, chuckling quietly when he heard Judai grumble slightly in his sleep in response.

A quick glance at the clock told him it was around eight o'clock in the morning. They'd gone to sleep pretty early the previous night, so it meant they'd actually slept in - as planned, of course, since Yusei had finished all his work and had a few days to relax.

As much as he didn't want to, he knew he should probably wake Judai up so they didn't end up staying in bed all day, so he started nudging the other until he finally got a response other than a sleepy, half-hearted swat at his hand.

"Why must you wake me up?" Judai groaned, blinking blearily at Yusei. He ended up yawning into the kiss Yusei dragged him into shortly afterwards, which he couldn't help but be amused by.

"Did you still want to go out today? It's raining," Yusei asked, helping Judai move some of his hair out of his face so he could kiss him again without it being in the way.

"The rain makes it better," Judai replied, a soft smile growing on his face due to all the kisses he was getting and slowly waking up, "We can just bring an umbrella and towels to sit on or something like that."

"We'll do that then," Yusei hummed, sitting up despite the protests Judai gave at the action, "Come on, we gotta up now and you know it."

"But it's cold outside the blankets," Judai pouted, attempting to cover himself entirely with one of the blankets they had; that just wouldn't do, though, so Yusei delighted in the yelp he received when he simply lifted Judai up, blanket and all, out of the bed sheets and into his lap.

"Of course you're cold, you're a walking heater. The higher your body temperature, the easier it is for you to feel cold," Yusei grinned, easily ignoring the glare Judai was giving him and ruffling his hair lightly, "Now seriously, come on, let's go get ready and make some food."

"Fine," Judai muttered, a sudden smirk coming onto his face, "But only if you take a nice, hot shower with me."

"What is with you and wanting to shower with me recently?"

"...You know exactly why I want to, you tease."

"It's not my fault you're so obsessed with it, it was one time."

"One time is not enough times."

Yusei hummed, pretending to think hard on it before saying, "Dunno, I think I'll let you take a nice, hot shower by yourself while I go make us some coffee. Specifically your favorite coffee."

The absolutely torn look on Judai's face was priceless and he reveled in knowing his weaknesses so well.

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