Advice (Phoenix x Reader)

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"(Y/n), will you be accompanying me in today's trial?" Nick asked.
"Yes sir Mr Wright!"
"Alice how many times just call me Nick!"
"Yes sir Mr Nick!"
"That's the best I'm getting right?"

We left the office and went to the courthouse. When we got there Nick was greeted with a tight squeeze from Larry.
"Nick!!!! Please help me!!"
"Larry if we weren't going to help why would we be here?" Larry's reaction to this made me giggle and Larry noticed it.
"Why hello there young lady." He said letting Nick go and fall onto the floor.
"Larry, stop seriously." Nick said standing up.
"I can't help it!!"

Time Skip Till End Of Trial

"Well done Mr Nick!" I congratulated him once we got to the defendant lobby.
"NICK!!!!!!" Larry screamed running up to us and knocking me over in the process.

I was awaiting the hard smack of the hard floor but it never came. All I felt was a masculine hand round my waist and pulling me back up.

While we were walking back to the office Nick turned to me,
"(Y/n), can I get your advice on something?"
"I suppose so."
"You see there's this girl I really like and I was wondering how should I tell her?"
My heart broke in two, I loved Nick with all my heart and now he is telling me he loves her.
"Just be yourself and come clean."
"Thank you."
I started walking fasted and instead of going back to the offices I just ran home and cried myself to sleep.

————————-the next day—————
I was sorting through some case files in the office and singing to myself.
I have a dream,a song to sing, to help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairytale, you can see the future,
"Even if you fail" I spoke the last line looking at a picture of me and Nick.
"(Y/n), I never realised you could sing so well." I was Nick coming in with Maya.
"You heard me!?" I said blushing like crazy.
"Yes, anyway Maya why don't you and get a burger I need to talk to Alice." Nick said.
Maya left and Nick sat doen on one of the office sofas. He gestured for me to come and sit next to him and so I did.
"(Y/n), that girl I was talking about yesterday..."
"Yes, I'm happy for you."
"You didn't let me finish. I was going to say that I was talking about you."
"I love you too, Nick"
he then kissed me wrapping his arms around my waist and mine somehow managed to find thier way around his neck.
"Finally!!!!!" Maya screamed dropping her burger.
"Maya! That was fast." Nick said both of us letting go and turning bright red.

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