Franziska The Secret Keeper (Gumshoe x Edgeworth's Sister! Reader)

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"Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Are the defence and prosecution ready?"

"The defence is ready, Your Honour," Wright answered.

"And the prosecution is perfectly prepared, Your Honour," I replied.

"In that case, Miss Edgeworth, you may call your first witness."

"Thank you, Your Honour. The prosecution would like to call on the detective in charge of the case."

Gumshoe came to the stand, which made it harder for me to concentrate. No one knew of the two of us secretly dating, even Miles. He would flip if he found out his sister was dating one of the detectives. He would also probably lower Gumshoe's salary even more than it already is.

"Witness name and occupation," I spoke, trying to keep my cool and not let me face light up red.

"Detective Dick Gumshoe! I'm a detective down at the local precinct!"

"Detective, describe the incident please!"

"Yes, ma'am! So, the victim was lying dead in her office and we found two people at the scene of the crime. The defendant, Maya Fey and her defence lawyer Phoenix Wright!"

"So, you arrived at the scene and arrested Miss Fey, why?"

"We had decisive evidence that she did it, a receipt with her name written on it written by the victim in the victim's blood."

"Hold it! Just because it was lying next to the victim, her blood doesn't mean she wrote it!"

"Well, who did Mr Wright. Tell us that," I spoke.

"It.. it could have been me!"

"You did it?!"

"So Mr Wright can we take that as a confession?" I asked.

"No. well. Can you prove it wasn't me?"

"Mr Wright this is a court of law! There is no time for making but less statements!"


"I now pronounce the defendant, er the defence? Mr Phoenix Wright, Not Guilty!"

My perfect record had been broken. Miles is not going to be happy when he finds out. I walked out of the courthouse and started walking back to the Prosecutor's Building, slightly deflated. I arrived back and went to my office, trying to distract myself, from my loss knowing that Miles would get upset with me when he found out I lost the case.

I had been reading over a previous case file when I heard a knock on the door, "Come in."

The door opened to reveal Gumshoe, "Hey, Gummy!" I said getting out my chair and walking up to him. I closed the door before dragging him over to my desk and pushing him into the chair climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. I kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my hands in his hair. I soon felt his wrap around my waist pulling me into him closer. We eventually pulled away, needing air. "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied kissing him again.

We were so caught up with each other that we didn't hear the knocking on the door or the door opening until the person spoke, "(Y/n), you've got-what in the world is going on here?!"

We pulled away immediately the two of up bright red. I turned to the intruder, "Franny please don't tell Miles. I'm begging you! He'll lower Gumshoe's pay even more than in already is. Please just don't tell him, or anyone else."

"What do I get out of keeping this secret?"

"Well, Miles will stay calm and you won't have to see him angry and you'll see me all happy and bouncy rather than all deflated because I find out that Miles has fired Gumshoe. Please just don't tell him!"

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