Working For Love (Nahyuta x Forensic Scientist! Reader)

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Requested By: -mxskedbeaxty

Request: Y/N is also a forensic scientist like Ema is, and they went to Khura'in to study their system. They stumble upon a crime scene and meets Nahyuta. They work on the case together, and he gets a liking towards Y/N, and they work on more cases together. Soon the story for SOJ happens and Y/N and Nahyuta hang out more and more and get close. They confess to each other.

Timing: Before and during Spirit of Justice (Spoilers for Turnabout Revolution)


"Ema can I please come with you?! I want to see Khura'in!"

"If it means that much to you, I guess I can't stop you, can I?"

"Yay! Thank you!" I squealed hugging her. (Future (Y/n) - Little did I know what I was getting myself into, going with her...)


We eventually arrived and I was amazed, "Wow! This is amazing!"

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), is that you?!" I heard from behind me. I turned around, "Maya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so good to see you!!!!!!!" I shouted running up to her and tackling her in a hug, "How are you?"

"I'm great actually. How's Nick?"

"Mr Wright is doing well too. That I know off, the only information I got was from Apollo and even then it wasn't much."

"I'm guessing you're Maya, then?" Ema asked.

"Yep! Maya Fey at your service! And you are...?"

"Ema, Ema Skye," Ema replied shaking Maya's outstretched hand.

"Now that the two of you are acquainted, we need to go. Bye Maya!" I spoke dragging Ema away.

"So, why are we here again?"

"We've been sent to study Khura'in's ways, (Y/n)." 

"Oooh! Exciting!"

We walked around for a bit with Ahlbi guiding us, until we found, what both me and Ema recognised as a crime scene. I made eye-contact with a guy that had long lavender hair, that was in a plat, down to his knees. I blushed and looked away. Oh, shit! I'm in love. I was knocked from my thoughts by Ema, "(Y/n)? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" I replied, snapping out of my love struck daze.

"Sure you are," she turned to the guy, who had now approached us, "Is there anything we can help with? We're forensics!"

"I'm sure you could come in useful. Nahyuta Sahdmahi at your service. I'm the prosecutor in charge of this case."

"Ema Skye! Nice to meet you, Prosecutor Sahdmadhi. This is (Y/n). (Y/n)? Pay attention!" She lightly smacked my head. "Ow! Ema, what was that for?"

"You were in your daze again," she whispered in my ear and my face lit up red, "I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention! I was just thinking about what to do for lunch! We're new here and don't know much."

"Lies," Ema muttered. I glared at her, making a mental note, Note to self: Strangle Ema later (Metaphorically.)

"It's good to meet you, too, (Y/n)."

"Indeed! I-It's a pleasure to meet you P-Prosecutor!"

"Please, just call me Nahyuta. Titles don't feel right, coming from your mouth."

"Oh! Let me rephrase it; G-Good to meet you too, Nahyuta!" I stuttered, mentally cursing myself.


It was a few weeks later, Ema went back to LA and I stayed in Khura'in, mainly to avoid teasing from Ema about my new found crush. I was brought from my thoughts by said crush, "(Y/n) are you ok? You're staring."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just... Sorry," I replied looking down at the floor, my face red. I then felt my chin be lifted up, "(Y/n), your face is red. Is there a reason for that?"

"I-I... Um... Well... You see it's-"

"Do you have a crush on someone? and you're thinking about them?"

"Well, not so much thinking about them when they're standing right in front of me with their hand on my chin!" Shit! I should not have said tha- I was snapped from my thoughts by him softly kissing me. I was surprised before I melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"I love you, Nahyuta."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


"Nahyuta, listen to me. It's all going to be fine. Calm down, ok? For me?"

"I can't help it!" he replied pacing around the room. I had had enough and kissed him to shut him up and to stop him from pacing, "You can do this."

"You're right. He may be my father, but I have to do this, to protect the good name of my family."

"You'll be fine. Apollo and Mr Wright are defending him. They're some of the best attorney's I know, Nahyuta. It's going to be ok, trust me."


"See, what did I tell you? It would all work out in the end."

"I need to learn to trust you, don't I? At least I'm free from Gar'an's control now."

"That is good. It means you can be happy again and fight for what you truly believe in!"

"I love you."

"Love you too, Nahyuta," I replied leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

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