Chief Prosecutors and Cowboy Detectives (Jake x reader x Lana)

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Requested By: Outorou-Shingo

Request: Could you do one where it's Jake x reader x Lana (yes Ik I request a lot with Matt and Lana) with seperate endings. The reader is upset that Angel is with Jake although she's been childhood friends with him longer. The reader also works alongside Lana as well always asking for advice on Jake. For the Jake ending, Angel breaks up with him and Lana is happy for reader ig, but we get Jake in the end. For the Lana ending, Jake chooses to stay with Angel so we go to Lana for comfort, ending up with her. This is as if the SL-9 incident never happened.

Timing: Before 'Rise From The Ashes'

Seperate endings for them! IT wouldn't let me put it in the title


"Hey! (Y/n)! I have something to tell you!" Angel shouted at me.

"What is it Angel?"

"I'm going out with Jake!"

I was shocked at this. I was happy for her, but I'd had a crush on Jake for a while. "THat's good for you, Angel. I wish you the best of luck in the future," I spoke before walking out the room and running home collapsing onto my bed and crying my eyes out.

-------------Jake ending:

The next day I went into work to see Jake sitting alone at his station, looking very deflated. "Hey, Jake! What's up?"

"Angel, she broke up with me," he spoke looking down again.

"I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "It's ok. You know there's someone else who has feelings for you."

"Really? Who?"

I took a deep breath before speaking, "Me." With that I had his arms round my waist and he spoke, "That's good, because get what. I love you too," before kissing me. I kissed back immediately, wrapping my arms round his neck.

------------Lana Ending

I walking into work the next day to see Angel and Jake making-out on his chair. Guess Angel was serious about yesterday. I ran to the one person I knew I could spill too, Lana. I ran to her office and knocked. "Come in." I entered and ran to her after closing the door. I cried into her shoulder and she just rubbed my back, "It's ok, (Y/n). You're fine." She was the only one I'd told about my crush on Jake.

"(Y/n), I know this isn't the best time but, I've had a crush on you for a while."

"Really? Because I have a crush on you too," I replied, wiping my tears and pressing a kiss to her lips. 

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