Magical Confessions (Apollo x Reader)

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10:47 AM 7th October
Wright Anything Agency

"Hey Polly!" Trucy squeaked when Apollo entered.
"Hey Truce."
"Polly, can you help me with my magic trick?"
"Fine!" he replied reluctantly.
They both went into the other part of the agency leaving me sitting on the sofa reading over a case file with my purple blazer on the back and leaving me in my magenta waistcoat, white blouse and violet skirt.

11:37AM 7th October
Wright Anything Agency

I finally finished reading through the case file. I got up and picked up my blazer from the back of the sofa but as I went to put it on I noticed that my attorney's badge wasn't on the left lapel where it usually was.
"Alright who has my badge?" I shouted running to the other part of the agency.

When I got through the door I saw Trucy with a smug look on her face and my badge in her hands, "Trucy, give me my badge back I need it I have a case this afternoon and I need it for then."
"Catch me first," she replied standing up and running round the room. I caught up to her and just as I was gonna grab my badge from her, "Polly, catch," she shouted chucking it to him.

I walked over to him and asked him to give it back to my which he replied with a no.
"What you gonna do if I dont give it back?"
"This," I answered pulling him closer to me and kissing him making him drop my badge, "Thank you," I said picking it up.

"(Y/N) and Polly sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Trucy shrieked.
"What the.. what gave you that idea Trucy?" I asked her.
"What do you think! You just kissed him! My ship is real!"
Mine and Apollo's faces went bright red. She is so gonna pay now!

The Next Day-Without Trucy
"Polly, you know what happened yesterday?"
"Well getting my badge back wasn't the only reason."
"Wait.....are you saying you love me?"
I nodded, "I'm sorry Polly. It's ok if you don't feel the....." I was cut off by him kissing me and of course I kissed back.
"(Y/N) I love you too."

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