Similarities (Maya x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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Character Requested by: @Amai_Miruku

Story: Me


"Nick!" I shouted running into the office," I did it! I got my badge!"

"Hi, (Y/n). Well done," he replied with a monotone voice.

"Nick, you should be happier! Now you get to see me everyday!" I squealed hugging him.

"Maybe you could tone it down a little? I already have to deal with Maya."

This sparked my interest, "Nick, who's Maya?"

"My assistant."

Just then two girls came running in, "Pearls! Give it back!"

"Mr Nick! Help me! I don't know what's got into her!" The smaller of the two ran behind Nick.

"Maya why are you chasing your cousin? Pearl hasn't done anything!"

"She stole my ramen!"

"Did not! You stole mine!"

This caught my attention, "Wait, did you say ramen?! I love ramen! Nick can we please go and get ramen!?"

"Nick, who's this?" the older girl, who I assumed was named Maya, asked.

"Maya, this is.."

"(Y/n). Nice to meet you, Maya! I'm Nick's sister!"

"Good, I thought Mr Nick was cheating on poor Mystic Maya," the other girl, Pearl, spoke, releasing a breath.

"What!? Pearl, no there's nothing going on between me and Nick, ok?"

"But, he saved you, on more than one occasion."

"Only because Gumshoe's completely incompetent," Nick said shaking his head, making me giggle.

"Hello! I'm Pearl!" Pearl said sticking out her hand towards me. I took it replying to her, "Great to meet you Pearl. I think you and me are going to by great friends."

"Really?" she asked hugging me, "Yep!"

-----------------A Few Weeks After Meeting Maya & Pearl

"So, (Y/n), there's still a lot about you I don't know. Except you're Nick's sister and you're a lawyer," Maya spoke while we were sitting in the office doing nothing.

"I have an idea! Why don't we think of a question that we both answer. Then we think of the answer in our heads before saying the answer on three!"

"Good idea! First on, favourite food."




"Ramen!" (If it's not, it is for the sake of the one shot) we both shouted at the same time. We both burst out laughing at the fact that we'd said the same thing, "Ok, number 2. Favourite colour. 3, 2, 1!"

"Purple!" (Again sorry if it's not)

Again we both said the same thing. This time however we were laughing so hard, Maya fell on top of me, accidentally pushing me down on the sofa. I flushed red at the fact that there was very little space between us. I had developed a crush on her in the few weeks I had known her, and my feelings only got stronger. Oh, Maya, if only you knew how much I- I was cut from my thoughts by her pulling me into her and kissing me. My eyes went wide and my face went redder than it already was. I kissed her back immediately, wrapping my arms round her waist and I soon felt her arms wrap round my neck, her fingers taking my hair out of it's ponytail and tangling her fingers in my hair.

"Mr Nick! Mystic Maya! I-" We then heard the sound of something dropping and broke off to see Pearl with a red face, "Miss (Y/n)! What are you doing? Mystic Maya has a special someone already! and it's Mr Nick!"

"Pearls, no. You are right about something, I do have a special someone, but it's not Nick." I felt my heart drop, she already has someone? Oh well, guess I can't be too disappointed. She is really pretty.

"And that's (Y/n)!"

I was shocked, "Me?"

"Who else, dummy? If it wasn't you, why would I have done that?"

"Good point," I answered, rubbing the back of my head (Like Phoenix does) and going red again. Maya pecked me on the cheek, making my face flush even more.

"Miss (Y/n)."

"Yes Pearl?"

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. You deserve Mystic Maya!" she said pushing me into Maya, "Oh and remember to invite me to the wedding! I wanna be the flower girl!"

This made Maya's face go red and mine go redder than it already was.

"Mr Nick! Can I be the flower girl for Mystic Maya and Miss (Y/n)'s wedding?" Pearl shouted running into Nick's office. "Pearl, to start off with, it's up to them, secondly I don't think they're ready yet."

"You're darn right 'bout that Nick!" I shouted.

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