We Meet Again (Acro x Childhood Friend! Detective! Reader)

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Requested By: AllandFarAway

Request: Before the incident with Bat and Leon. The reader isa detective and investigating a case. Acro is out of the lodging house one dayand bumps into her.

Title: BxngtanSky


Right, let's get to investigating!

I walked to the crime scene that Gumshoe had told me about because they couldn't find anything leading back to the defendant and the trial was the next day. When I arrived I immediately spotted Gumshoe and walked up to him, "Hey Gumshoe!"

"Hey, (Y/n). Glad you're here. We really need your help, we haven't found a single lead in the case!"

"I don't know whether I'll be of any help, but could you give me a brief of the case?"

"Yes! So the victim was lying here," he replied pointing to the chalk outline, "There was a gun lying next to her but not  a single shot had been fired from it."


I investigated for a while eventually finding a lead before I heard the sound of birds tweeting. Normally I would have just ignored it but the sound sounded awfully familiar. I told Gumshoe I'd be back in a few minutes and walked off in the direction I heard the tweeting. When I got closer, I heard a voice I recognised, "Hello, everyone. It's good to see you all too."

I went closer and got a good look at the person who spoke. I let out a soft gasp when I realised it was Acro, my childhood friend, playing with the birds. He turned around at the gasp, "(Y/n)? (Y/n), is that really you?"

"I'm so glad to see you!" I squealed running up and hugging him, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, (Y/n). If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

"I was investigating a crime scene and I heard your birds tweeting, so I followed the sound."

"(Y/n), can I get serious with you for a moment?"

"Of course."

"This is something I should have told you ages ago, but I was too nervous to do it... But, I..I.."

"Just out with it!"

"I'vehadacrushonyouforagesandInowknowthatI'm100%inlovewithyouandI'msorryIdidn'ttellyouearlierIjustdidn'thavethecouragetobitit'stotallyokifyoudon'tfeelthesameI'msureyou'vealreadygotaboyfriendImeanwhywouldn'tyou?You'rereallysweetandamazingand-" I cut him off, placing a finger on his lips, "You're right about one thing. I do have a boyfriend," I noticed his face sadden a bit and I pecked him on the lips, "You," I finished, "That's if you'd want to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course! I love you, (Y/n)."

"Love you too," I replied kissing him again.


"Acro! Let go of my arm!" I squeaked as he was pulling on my arm and I felt like he was going to dislocate it.

"Sorry, (Y/n)! I need to introduce you to some people," he replied bringing me into the circus.

"Acro, why have you brought me to the circus?"

"Because. Hey Regina! Moe! I want to introduce you to someone!" he shouted towards the two people I guessed were Regina and Moe. They walked over to us, "Hey, Acro! Who's this?"

"This is (Y/n), both mine and Bat's childhood friend and now my girlfriend," Acro answered, "(Y/n), this is Moe and Regina, the clown and the animal tamer at the circus."

"Hi," I spoke waving at the two.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n)."

"I can tell we're going to be great friends!"

"(Y/n)! Is that you!?" I turned around at the new voice and recognised the speaker immediately, "Bat! It's been so long!" I shouted running up and hugging him. "I missed you!"

"Missed you too!"

I walked back over to Acro, placing a kiss on his cheek. We talked for a while before my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and panicked.

Y - Hey, Gumshoe!

G - (Y/n), I thought you said you'd be back.

Y - Sorry, I got distracted with something. I'll be back in a few minutes.

I hung up and turned back to everyone, "Sorry guys I've got to go. I'm needed at a crime scene, that I totally didn;t forget about," I spoke before pecking Acro on the cheek and walking off.

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