Nothing Is The Same Without Him (Apollo x Reader)

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Time: During/After 'The Cosmic Turnabout' / 'Turnabout for Tomorrow'

This is also as if the trials (The Cosmic Turnabout and Turnabout for Tomorrow) were spread out over a few weeks rather than a couple of days.

Title: BxngtanSky


"I'm sorry but I will be taking a leave of absence."

I was devastated when I heard this. I knew why but I couldn't help it. I had developed a crush on Apollo and I hadn't had the courage to tell him yet. I tried to keep my feelings to myself because it was clear he liked Juniper and I knew that would never change.

After that day, I still came to the agency everyday but it didn't feel the same without Apollo. For starters it was much quieter around without his 'Chords of Steel'. I just curled up on the sofa, silently crying to myself not noticing Trucy had just walked in, "(Y/n)? (Y/n) what's wrong?"

"Nothing Trucy, I'm fine. Nothing's up at all," I spoke trying not to cry more and ultimately failing. Trucy came up to me and sat next to me on the sofa, "Hey, I know what it is. It's about Polly isn't it?"

"Yes, Trucy, you're right. I just wish I'd told him when I had the chance."

"He'll be back in time, he just needs some time to himself."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right Trucy," I replied wiping my tears away, "I'm glad you're still around to make me laugh."

-------TRUCY'S POV

Over the next few weeks I noticed (Y/n) had stopped eating as much as she should. I also spotted that she'd started just sitting on the sofa staring into space a lot.

"(Y/n) are you sure you're ok? Ever since that incident you've been acting off."

"I'm fine Trucy. No need to worry," she replied continuing to stare off into space. I decided that there was only one thing that would get her out of this state.

Getting Polly back.

I called him waiting for him to answer which he eventually did.

A - Trucy? What is it? I said I'd left, I didn't expect you to call.

T - I know what you're going to say to this but, you need to come back!

A - Why? I told you and the others I wasn't returning until this case was solved! I don't care if you want me back, I told you I needed time!

T - It's not for me Polly! Will you just listen! It's (Y/n), she's not been the same since you left.

A - What do you mean by that?

T - I mean exactly what I said she's not been herself. She won't eat anything and she does nothing apart from sit of the sofa staring off into space. I know why she's started this Polly, she loves you. You better come and sort this out! And after you can leave again, as long as you make (Y/n) happy again.

A - I'll think about it.

I hung up annoyed at him and returned back to (Y/n), "It's all going to be ok, just breathe. In, out, in, out." She copied my instructions until she'd calmed down.

"You're right Trucy. Just because Apollo's gone, I shouldn't let it get me down!"

Just then the door burst open and Polly ran in. "Hi Polly!" I shouted. He ignored my walking up to (Y/n).


I had been sitting on the sofa staring off into space again when I felt myself be pushed down on the sofa. I squeaked and would have screamed had I not felt pressure on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Apollo on top of me, kissing me. I felt my face go bright red before I reacted by wrapping my arms round his neck and kissing back. We eventually broke away for air, "I'm sorry I left, (Y/n). If I'd known you felt the same I never would have left. I'm sorry!"

"Hey Apollo. It's fine. I understand why you left, you're taking this badly and as you should be. I know if my best friend was killed, I'd lock myself in my room for at least a year before I was ready to face anyone," I spoke placing a hand on his cheek and softly rubbing it with my thumb, "It's ok, I'd still love you no matter what," I continued kissing him again.

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